New API endpoint and web_translate_it gem update
By Edouard on May 5, 2010
I just added a new endpoint to Web Translate It’s API: Create File. This endpoint will allow you to send to Web Translate It new master language files through the API.
This endpoint’s usage is explained in the documentation.
The rubygem has been updated to take advantage of this new endpoint. With the new version 1.6.7 you can now do:
wti add path/to/master_file_to_add
This will send this new master language file to Web Translate It. Note that is should only be used to send new master language files that are not already on Web Translate It.
Updating an existing master or target language file should be done using the usual wti push
More improvements are planned for the rubygem, such as the ability to send several files at the same time, or the ability to the language files you have locally that are not sent to Web Translate It.
I hope you will find this new endpoint useful.