29 Oct from 9:45am to 9:46am
Edouard changed 3 translations in French and English on WebTranslateIt. Hide changes

In French:

  1. {"one"=>"%{count} segment trouvé dans le project <a href=\"%{link}\">%{name}</a>", "other"=>"%{count} segments trouvés dans le project <a href=\"%{link}\">%{name}</a>"}
    {"one"=>"%{count} segment trouvé dans le project %{name}", "other"=>"%{count} segments trouvés dans le project %{name}"}
    changed by WebTranslateIt AutoTranslate .
    Copy to clipboard

    Translated by AutoTranslate from segment number.human.format.delimiter.

    changed by Edouard .
    Copy to clipboard
    changed by Edouard .
    Copy to clipboard
    changed by Edouard .
    Copy to clipboard

In English:

  1. changed via the API .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. changed by Edouard .
    Copy to clipboard
29 Oct from 9:45am to 9:46am