30 Aug from 3:05pm to 4:08pm
Kiraly Zoltan changed 122 translations in Hungarian on TheocBase. Hide changes
  2. Beállítások - Hétközbeni összejövetel
    Beállítások - Hétközbeni összejövetel
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  2. Beállítások
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  1. Beállítások - Hétközbeni összejövetel
    Beállítások - Hétközbeni összejövetel
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Beállítások - Hétközbeni összejövetel
    Beállítások - Hétközbeni összejövetel
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Beállítások
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Beállítások
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  2. Hétközbeni összejövetel
    Hétközbeni összejövetel
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Hétközbeni összejövetel
    Hétközbeni összejövetel
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Hétközbeni összejövetel
    Hétközbeni összejövetel
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Munkafüzet beiilesztése
    Munkafüzet beiilesztése
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Munkafüzet beiilesztése
    Munkafüzet beiilesztése
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Munkafüzet beiilesztése
    Munkafüzet beiilesztése
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Kattints a <strong> Beállításokra</strong> és válaszd ki a <strong> Hétközbeni összejövetel</strong> oldalt.
    Kattints a <strong> Beállításokra</strong>  és válaszd ki a <strong> Hétközbeni összejövetel</strong>  oldalt.
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Kattints a <strong> Beállításokra</strong> és válaszd ki a <strong> Hétközbeni összejövetel</strong> oldalt.
    Kattints a <strong> Beállításokra</strong>  és válaszd ki a <strong> Hétközbeni összejövetel</strong>  oldalt.
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Kattints a <strong> Beállításokra</strong> és válaszd ki a <strong> Hétközbeni összejövetel</strong> oldalt.
    Kattints a <strong> Beállításokra</strong>  és válaszd ki a <strong> Hétközbeni összejövetel</strong>  oldalt.
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <i>Munkafüzet</i> letöltése ePub formátumban.
    <i>Munkafüzet</i>  letöltése ePub formátumban.
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <i>Munkafüzet</i> letöltése ePub formátumban.
    <i>Munkafüzet</i>  letöltése ePub formátumban.
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <i>Munkafüzet</i> letöltése ePub formátumban.
    <i>Munkafüzet</i>  letöltése ePub formátumban.
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Kattints ide <img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" />
    Kattints ide <img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" />
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Kattints ide <img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" />
    Kattints ide <img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" />
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Kattints ide <img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" />
    Kattints ide <img src="../images/import_workbook_24x24.png" alt="" />
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Válaszd ki a letöltött ePub fájlt.
    Válaszd ki a letöltött ePub fájlt.
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Válaszd ki a letöltött ePub fájlt.
    Válaszd ki a letöltött ePub fájlt.
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Válaszd ki a letöltött ePub fájlt.
    Válaszd ki a letöltött ePub fájlt.
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. A Hétközbeni összejövetel ütemtervének szerkesztése
    A Hétközbeni összejövetel ütemtervének szerkesztése
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. A Hétközbeni összejövetel ütemtervének szerkesztése
    A Hétközbeni összejövetel ütemtervének szerkesztése
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. A Hétközbeni összejövetel ütemtervének szerkesztése
    A Hétközbeni összejövetel ütemtervének szerkesztése
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Hétközbeni összejövetel rész hozzáadása
    Hétközbeni összejövetel rész hozzáadása
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  1. Hétközbeni összejövetel rész hozzáadása
    Hétközbeni összejövetel rész hozzáadása
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Hétközbeni összejövetel rész hozzáadása
    Hétközbeni összejövetel rész hozzáadása
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Hét kiválasztása a <strong>Hétközben összejövetel</strong> listájából
    Hét kiválasztása a <strong>Hétközben összejövetel</strong> listájából
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Hétközbeni összejövetel rész eltávolítása
    Hétközbeni összejövetel rész eltávolítása
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  1. Hétközbeni összejövetel rész eltávolítása
    Hétközbeni összejövetel rész eltávolítása
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  2. Hétközbeni összejövetel rész eltávolítása
    Hétközbeni összejövetel rész eltávolítása
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Hét kiválasztása a <strong>Hétközben összejövetel</strong> listájából
    Hét kiválasztása a <strong>Hétközben összejövetel</strong> listájából
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Hét kiválasztása a <strong>Hétközben összejövetel</strong> listájából
    Hét kiválasztása a <strong>Hétközben összejövetel</strong> listájából
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->Dátum<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->Dátum<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->Dátum<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->Dátum<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->Dátum<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->Dátum<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->Dátum<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->Dátum<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->DATE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PRAYER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->SONG<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->SONG<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->SONG<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->SONG<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->DURATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->DURATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->DURATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->DURATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_NUMBER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->Gyülekezet<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->Gyülekezet<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->Gyülekezet<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->Gyülekezet<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->Gyülekezet<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->Gyülekezet<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->Gyülekezet<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->Gyülekezet<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_NAME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_MOBILE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_MOBILE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_MOBILE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_MOBILE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_CONGREGATION_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_ARTICLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_ARTICLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_ARTICLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_ARTICLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_COLOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_CONDUCTOR_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_CONDUCTOR_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_CONDUCTOR_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_CONDUCTOR_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_THEME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PHONE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->HOST<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->DATE_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->DATE_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->DATE_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_THEME_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
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    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_NO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_NO_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->TIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->DISCLAIMER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->DISCLAIMER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PTCOUNTER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PTCOUNTER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_NO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CONGREGATION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONDUCTOR<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->READER<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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    changed by Marlonb .
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    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->LM<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_CHAIRMAN<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->REPEAT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PTOUT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PTOUT_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PTOUT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PTOUT_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->WT_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->CO_STARTTIME<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
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  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONTACT_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONTACT_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONTACT_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONTACT_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER_TALK_NUMBERS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER_TALK_NUMBERS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER_TALK_NUMBERS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CONGREGATION_INFO<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->SPEAKER_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_EMAIL<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_EMAIL<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_EMAIL<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_EMAIL<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
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    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_PUBLIC_TALKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_PUBLIC_TALKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_SPEAKER_PUBLIC_TALKS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK_START<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TALK_END<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_REVISION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_REVISION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_REVISION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PT_REVISION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->CIRCUIT<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->PM_NOTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {területi beállítás kötőjellel elválasztva}
    {területi beállítás kötőjellel elválasztva}
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {területi beállítás kötőjellel elválasztva}
    {területi beállítás kötőjellel elválasztva}
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->MINUTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MINUTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->MINUTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->MINUTES<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->ADDRESS<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. {területszám}
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. {területszám}
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->TITLE<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Marlonb .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    <!-- Printing tag: -->NO_MEETING_EXCEPTION<!-- Don't translate this. -->
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Check schedule
    Check schedule
    changed by PaT .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Ütemterv ellenőrzése
    Ütemterv ellenőrzése
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Ütemterv ellenőrzése
    Ütemterv ellenőrzése
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Ütemterv ellenőrzése
    Ütemterv ellenőrzése
    changed by Kiraly Zoltan .
    Copy to clipboard
30 Aug from 3:05pm to 4:08pm