Paste your stats

By Edouard on July 21, 2010

We are now testing statistics widgets for public projects.

Many projects use Web Translate It to crowd-source their translations. For instance TV Shows, Rhythmbox radio browser or MyDrumPad are all public projects, which means any visitor can browse their project in Web Translate It and request an invitation to help translating the software to their languages.

If you want to drive visitors from your project website to Web Translate It, we made a really simple widget you can embed on any website, so your users can see where help is needed and can request an invitation to help your translate your software.

Here’s how the stats widget looks like.

To get your statistics widgets, head over your project settings and make sure your project is open publicly. For confidentiality reasons, stats widgets are only available for private projects.

Click on the link to get to the charts page, and copy and paste the code given. You can tweak it a little bit if you want.

That’s it! We hope you will find this widget useful.