JavaScript XMPP Client/JSXC
A fingerprint is used to make sure that the person you are talking to actually is who they are claiming to be.
A fingerprint is used to make sure that the person you are talking to actually is who they are claiming to be.
Received an unencrypted message
Received an unencrypted message
Sorry, your contact does not provide any information.
Sorry, your contact does not provide any information.
Info about
Info about
Authentication aborted.
Authentication aborted.
Authentication request received.
Authentication request received.
Please click the "Allow" button at the top, to allow access to microphone and camera.
Please click the "Allow" button at the top, to allow access to microphone and camera.
mute my audio
mute my audio
pause my video
pause my video
Remote IP address
Remote IP address
Local fingerprint
Local fingerprint
Remote fingerprint
Remote fingerprint
Video call not possible. Your contact does not support video calls.
Video call not possible. Your contact does not support video calls.
__nickname__ left the building
__nickname__ left the building
__nickname__ entered the room
__nickname__ entered the room
__oldNickname__ is now known as __newNickname__
__oldNickname__ is now known as __newNickname__
No more segments to load.
Loading more segments…
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