JavaScript XMPP Client/JSXC
mostrado -
leído -
There are new devices
There are new devices
Hay nuevos dispositivos -
Reply to server pings. May help if you keep getting disconnected from the server.
Reply to server pings. May help if you keep getting disconnected from the server.
Responde a pings del servidor. Puede ayudar si está siendo desconectado del servidor. -
A password ist required to join this room.
A password ist required to join this room.
Se requiere una contraseña para unirse a esta sala. -
You are not allowed to join this room, because you are banned.
You are not allowed to join this room, because you are banned.
No está autorizado a entrar a esta sala, porque ha sido bloqueado. -
This room does not exist.
This room does not exist.
Esta sala no existe. -
Room creation is restricted.
Room creation is restricted.
La creación de salas está restringida. -
You have to use the reserved nickname.
You have to use the reserved nickname.
Ha de usar el apodo reservado. -
You are not allowed to join this room, because you are not on the member list.
You are not allowed to join this room, because you are not on the member list.
No está autorizado a unirse a esta sala porque no figura en el listado de miembros. -
Your nickname was already taken.
Your nickname was already taken.
Su apodo ya está en uso. -
You are not able to join, because the maximum number of users has been reached.
You are not able to join, because the maximum number of users has been reached.
No puede unirse porque se ha alcanzado el número máximo de usuarios. -
Cita -
Clear messages
Clear messages
Limpiar mensajes -
Show this menu
Show this menu
Mostrar este menú -
Write in third person
Write in third person
Escribir en tercera persona -
[nickname] Change own nickname
[nickname] Change own nickname
[nickname] Cambiar el apodo propio -
[topic] Change topic of the group
[topic] Change topic of the group
[topic] Cambiar el asunto del grupo -
[JID] (reason) Kick and ban a user
[JID] (reason) Kick and ban a user
[JID] (reason) Expulsar y bloquear a un usuario -
[nickname] (reason) Kick a user
[nickname] (reason) Kick a user
[nickname] (reason) Expulsar a un usuario
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