JavaScript XMPP Client/JSXC
Show this menu
Show this menu
Dit menu weergeven -
Write in third person
Write in third person
[nickname] Change own nickname
[nickname] Change own nickname
[nickname] Verander eigen bijnaam -
[topic] Change topic of the group
[topic] Change topic of the group
[JID] (reason) Kick and ban a user
[JID] (reason) Kick and ban a user
[JID] (reden) een gebruiker afgemeld en uitgesloten -
[nickname] (reason) Kick a user
[nickname] (reason) Kick a user
[nickname] (reden) Kick een gebruiker -
[nickname] Change role to participant
[nickname] Change role to participant
[JID] Change affiliation to member
[JID] Change affiliation to member
[nickname] Change role to moderator
[nickname] Change role to moderator
[nickname] Rol wijzigen naar moderator -
[JID] Revoke member affiliation from user
[JID] Revoke member affiliation from user
[JID] Change affiliation to admin
[JID] Change affiliation to admin
Destroy group
Destroy group
Vernietig groep -
[JID] Change affiliation to owner
[JID] Change affiliation to owner
[JID] (reason) Invite a user to group
[JID] (reason) Invite a user to group
By sending these commands you can execute different actions.
By sending these commands you can execute different actions.
Algemeen -
Meerdere gebruikers -
Command only available in groupchat
Command only available in groupchat
Wrong number of arguments
Wrong number of arguments
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