JavaScript XMPP Client/JSXC
Shërbyes -
Loading rooms
Loading rooms
Po ngarkohen dhomat -
Could load only __count__ rooms for autocomplete
Could load only __count__ rooms for autocomplete
Mund të ngarkonte vetëm __count__ dhoma për vetëplotësim -
Please enter room name and optionally a nickname to join a chat
Please enter room name and optionally a nickname to join a chat
Për të marrë pjesë në një fjalosje, ju lutemi, jepni një emër dhome dhe, në daçi, një nofkë -
You already joined this room
You already joined this room
Jeni tashmë pjesë e kësaj dhome -
This room will be closed
This room will be closed
Kjo dhomë do të mbyllet -
A new room will be created
A new room will be created
Do të krijohet një dhomë e re -
Loading room information
Loading room information
Po ngarkohen të dhëna dhome -
Shkatërroje -
Braktise -
__nickname__ changed the room subject to "__subject__"
__nickname__ changed the room subject to "__subject__"
__nickname__ ndryshoi subjektin e dhomës në "__subject__" -
You have been kicked from the room
You have been kicked from the room
Jeni përzënë nga dhoma -
__nickname__ has been kicked from the room
__nickname__ has been kicked from the room
__nickname__ është përzënë nga dhoma -
You have been banned from the room
You have been banned from the room
Jeni dëbuar nga dhoma -
__nickname__ has been banned from the room
__nickname__ has been banned from the room
__nickname__ është dëbuar nga dhoma -
You have been removed from the room, because of an affiliation change
You have been removed from the room, because of an affiliation change
Jeni hequr nga dhoma, për shkak të një ndryshimi përshoqërimi -
__nickname__ has been removed from the room, because of an affiliation change
__nickname__ has been removed from the room, because of an affiliation change
__nickname__ është hequr nga dhoma, për shkak të një ndryshimi përshoqërimi -
You have been removed from the room, because the room has been changed to members-only and you are no member
You have been removed from the room, because the room has been changed to members-only and you are no member
Jeni hequr nga dhoma, ngaqë dhoma është kaluar si e llojit vetëm për anëtarë dhe ju s’jeni anëtar -
__nickname__ has been removed from the room, because the room has been changed to members-only and you are no member
__nickname__ has been removed from the room, because the room has been changed to members-only and you are no member
__nickname__ hequr nga dhoma, ngaqë dhoma është kaluar si e llojit vetëm për anëtarë dhe s’është anëtar -
You have been removed from the room, because the MUC service is being shut down
You have been removed from the room, because the MUC service is being shut down
Jeni hequr nga dhoma, ngaqë shërbimi MUC po mbyllet