Steam Tools
To do it, open <a href=''>WebTranslateIt</a> and click "Sign up now for free" button. Do not pay attention to the message about 30-day trial, it effects only clients, not translators. And they have a free "micro" plan anyway. So, fill the required fields in the form (I will be able to see your email address, so use your "spam" email if you have one. Just in case), leave the "Company" field empty and continue. After you created an account, you can <a href=''>request</a> an invite to join this website's project on WebTranslateIt. If it still doesn't have the language you want to translate to, instead of selecting language, as it offers, click the "Suggest it to Some Steam Tools" button and select a language there. That's it! After you get invited, you can start translating.
To do it, open
<a href=''>
and click "Sign up now for free" button. Do not pay attention to the message about 30-day trial, it effects only clients, not translators. And they have a free "micro" plan anyway. So, fill the required fields in the form (I will be able to see your email address, so use your "spam" email if you have one. Just in case), leave the "Company" field empty and continue. After you created an account, you can<a href=''>
an invite to join this website's project on WebTranslateIt. If it still doesn't have the language you want to translate to, instead of selecting language, as it offers, click the "Suggest it to Some Steam Tools" button and select a language there. That's it! After you get invited, you can start translating.Um mitzumachen, öffne<a href=''>
und klicke auf den "Sign up now for free" Button. Um die angebene 30-Tage-Testversion musst du dich nicht kümmern, denn das betrifft lediglich Kunden, nicht die Übersetzer. Für die Übersetzer gibt es ein kostenloses "Micro" Konto. Fülle die nötigen Felder aus (Ich kann am Ende deine E-Mail Addresse einsehen, also benutze am besten deine "Spam" E-Mail falls dir das etwas ausmachen sollte), lass das "Company" Feld einfach frei und fahre fort. Nachdem du deinen Account erfolgreich angemeldet hast, kannst du dir eine<a href=''>
zum Steam Tools Webseitenprojekt schicken lassen. Wenn es noch immer nicht die Sprache anzeigt, in die du die Seite übersetzen möchtest, klicke einfach "Suggest your Language to Some Steam Tools" auf der Einladung und wähle deine Sprache dort aus. Das war's! Nachdem ich deine Einladung angenommen habe, kannst du direkt loslegen!
Translation History shows you the different versions of the translations that were saved. It also lets you revert to an older version of a translation.