
  1. Go away
    Go away
    changed by Alexander .
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  2. Auto-away
    changed by Andrew Nenakhov .
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  3. Auto-away
    changed by Andrew Nenakhov .
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  4. Auto-away Automatically set away status on screen lock
    Automatically set away status on screen lock
    changed by Alexander .
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  5. Auto-away
    changed by Alexander .
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  6. Auto-away Automatically set away status on screen lock
    Automatically set away status on screen lock
    changed by Alexander .
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  7. Auto-away Automatically set away status on screen lock
    Auto-away Automatically set away status on screen lock

    Automatically set away status on screen lock

    changed by Grigory .
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  8. changed by Aelmahmoudy .
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  9. تغييب ذاتي تعيين حالة الغياب ذاتياً عند قفل الشاشة
    تغييب ذاتي تعيين حالة الغياب ذاتياً عند قفل الشاشة

    تغييب ذاتي 
    تعيين حالة الغياب ذاتياً عند قفل الشاشة

    changed by Aelmahmoudy .
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