Discussion started , with a comment.
  1. Alexander Manager

    Please review the first paragraph as well as the paragraph with source code link.

  2. Devianpctek Spanish Translator with no proofreading rights

    I have reviewed and improved the paragraphs


  1. Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - free to use Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurouos, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, pease mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - free to use Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. 
    You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurouos, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! 
    For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. 
    If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, pease mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    changed by Alexander .
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  2. Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - free to use Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurouos, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - free to use Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. 
    You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurouos, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! 
    For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. 
    If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    changed by Alexander .
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  3. Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - free to use Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurouos, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - free to use Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. 
    You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurouos, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! 
    For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. 
    If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    changed by Andrew Nenakhov .
    Copy to clipboard
  4. Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - free to use Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurouos, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - free to use Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. 
    You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurouos, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! 
    For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. 
    If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    changed by Andrew Nenakhov .
    Copy to clipboard
  5. Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurouos, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! Source code of Xabber is available at https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android under GNU GPLv3 license. For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. 
    You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurouos, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! 
    Source code of Xabber is available at https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android under GNU GPLv3 license.  
    For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. 
    If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    changed by Andrew Nenakhov .
    Copy to clipboard
  6. Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurous, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! Source code of Xabber is available at https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android under the GNU GPLv3 license. For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. 
    You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurous, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! 
    Source code of Xabber is available at https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android under the GNU GPLv3 license.  
    For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. 
    If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    changed by Tagrain .
    Copy to clipboard
  7. Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurous, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! Source code of Xabber is available at https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android under the GNU GPLv3 license. For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    Experimental (possibly UNSTABLE) version of Xabber - open source Jabber (XMPP) client with multi-account support and clean interface. 
    You can install this version if you want to help us test and develop Xabber. Stability is not guaranteed, so if you are not feeling adventurous, use regular version. But if you ARE a risk-taker, you will get new features first! 
    Source code of Xabber is available at https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android under the GNU GPLv3 license. 
    For more information visit our website http://xabber.com or follow @xabber_xmpp at twitter. 
    If you have any bugs or bright ideas to report, please mail to: info+devel@xabber.com
    changed by Alexander .
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  8. Xabber測試(可能不穩定)版——開源的Jabber(XMPP)客戶端,支援多賬戶,介面乾淨簡單。 你可以安裝此版本來幫助我們測試和開發Xabber。我們不保證穩定性,所以如果你不怎麼有冒險精神,請使用常規版。但如果你確實敢於冒險,你會最早看到新功能! Xabber原始碼位於https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android,在GNU GPLv3協議下釋出。 要獲取更多訊息,請存取我們的網站http://xabber.com,或Twitter上的@xabber_xmpp。 如果你遇到了bug或有新點子,請發送電子郵件到:info+devel@xabber.com
    Xabber測試(可能不穩定)版——開源的Jabber(XMPP)客戶端,支援多賬戶,介面乾淨簡單。 你可以安裝此版本來幫助我們測試和開發Xabber。我們不保證穩定性,所以如果你不怎麼有冒險精神,請使用常規版。但如果你確實敢於冒險,你會最早看到新功能! Xabber原始碼位於https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android,在GNU GPLv3協議下釋出。 要獲取更多訊息,請存取我們的網站http://xabber.com,或Twitter上的@xabber_xmpp。 如果你遇到了bug或有新點子,請發送電子郵件到:info+devel@xabber.com

    Xabber原始碼位於https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android在GNU GPLv3協議下釋出  

    changed by Alexander .
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  9. Xabber測試(可能不穩定)版——開源的Jabber(XMPP)客戶端,支援多賬戶,介面乾淨簡單。 你可以安裝此版本來幫助我們測試和開發Xabber。我們不保證穩定性,所以如果你不怎麼有冒險精神,請使用常規版。但如果你確實敢於冒險,你會最早看到新功能! Xabber原始碼位於https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android,在GNU GPLv3協議下釋出。 要獲取更多訊息,請存取我們的網站http://xabber.com,或Twitter上的@xabber_xmpp。 如果你遇到了bug或有新點子,請發送電子郵件到:info+devel@xabber.com
    Xabber測試(可能不穩定)版——開源的Jabber(XMPP)客戶端,支援多賬戶,介面乾淨簡單。 你可以安裝此版本來幫助我們測試和開發Xabber。我們不保證穩定性,所以如果你不怎麼有冒險精神,請使用常規版。但如果你確實敢於冒險,你會最早看到新功能! Xabber原始碼位於https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android,在GNU GPLv3協議下釋出。 要獲取更多訊息,請存取我們的網站http://xabber.com,或Twitter上的@xabber_xmpp。 如果你遇到了bug或有新點子,請發送電子郵件到:info+devel@xabber.com

    Xabber原始碼位於https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android在GNU GPLv3協議下釋出  

    changed by Jimmy Xu .
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  10. Xabber測試(可能不穩定)版——自由軟體的Jabber(XMPP)客戶端,支援多帳號,界面乾淨簡單。 您可以安裝此版本來幫助我們測試和開發Xabber。我們不保證穩定性,所以如果您不怎麼有冒險精神,請使用一般版。但如果您確實敢於冒險,您會最早看到新功能! Xabber原始碼位於https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android,在GNU GPLv3協議下釋出。 如要獲取更多訊息,請參觀我們的網站http://xabber.com,或Twitter上的@xabber_xmpp。 如果您遇到了bug或有新點子,請發送電子郵件到:info+devel@xabber.com
    Xabber測試(可能不穩定)版——自由軟體的Jabber(XMPP)客戶端,支援多帳號,界面乾淨簡單。 您可以安裝此版本來幫助我們測試和開發Xabber。我們不保證穩定性,所以如果您不怎麼有冒險精神,請使用一般版。但如果您確實敢於冒險,您會最早看到新功能! Xabber原始碼位於https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android,在GNU GPLv3協議下釋出。 如要獲取更多訊息,請參觀我們的網站http://xabber.com,或Twitter上的@xabber_xmpp。 如果您遇到了bug或有新點子,請發送電子郵件到:info+devel@xabber.com

    Xabber原始碼位於https://github.com/redsolution/xabber-android在GNU GPLv3協議下釋出  

    changed by Nicky Lin .
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