wan dyer
You are the creator of Fox which means that in some metaphysical way you are the creator of your life thought originates with each one of us but most of us have trained ourselves to believe that whatever we think just sort of happens and fast just sort of caught the pop in theory you know they just sort of pop in then I can't help it I'm walking along they just put There's a thought in this just there and I can't help it it just happened that isn't true when you train your mind. We spend so much of our energy training ourselves in all kinds of areas. We train ourselves in business and we're going to get a new computer system. We go out and we spend millions of dollars in a company and we train people how to work it and we want to become good at golf or swimming or tennis or backgammon or anything that you can think of. We know that we got to go out and we got to practice and we got to train ourselves we train ourselves and we ignore our mind which is ninety nine percent of who we are we just completely ignore it like there's no training available for our minds and we can all do that. I've really learned how to do it myself. No one ever taught me but I've really learned how to train my mind I mean anybody listening who thinks that they have a bad memory. If they want to train it they couldn't order a couple of sets of tapes. Right from this company they can work on train A memory and then in a matter of a week in order to teach it you never had taught in Berlin for half a year it was seventy students in the class and I would have been the first student introduce themselves and their name and I would have the second student introduce the person who was just introduced and himself and then each time I would repeat it and I'd have the third student introduced the two that he had just introduced plus himself. And we do that for the whole class. That's by the time we got to the seventieth student they had to introduce everybody in the class by name and I would then repeat each one of them and I just had a very simple technique for doing that. It was just like concentrated effort on making my mind remember seventy people's names. Even an hour and a half now. I wasn't doing it to waste an hour and a half. This was a class on teaching people how to identify neurotic behavior and it's like what I wanted to do was to teach them that they could do things with their minds just like their patients do that they never thought of that they never even dreamt were possible for them. Two weeks later three weeks later they would have like eighty ninety percent recall. And by the end of the fourth or fifth week everybody knew everybody's name in the class and they're all trained observers and most people go out there and are introduced to so many say Hello my name is when they what would you say your name was I can't remember one person's name in one minute and they think that oh I have a poor memory but it's because they don't train to
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