Fulmine Software/Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library)

24 Nov from 10:24pm to 10:40pm
Bartosz changed 13 translations in English, United States and Polish on Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library). Hide changes

In English, United States:

  1. You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language (preferably native speaker) is required. Top translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.
    You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language (preferably native speaker) is required. Top translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.

    You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. 
    You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. 
    Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language (preferably native speaker) is required. 
    Top translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! 
    When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.

    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required. Most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.
    You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required. Most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.

    You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. 
    You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. 
    Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required. 
    Most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! 
    When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.

    changed by Bartosz .
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  1. You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required. Most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.
    You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required. Most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.

    You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. 
    You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. 
    Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required. 
    Most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! 
    When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.

    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required. The most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.
    You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required. The most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.

    You are using %1$s language and actually we are looking for more translators to %1$s. 
    You can help other users by making translation better or more actual by joining our group of translators to %1$s. 
    Knowledge of English and %1$s as your fluent, everyday use language is required. 
    The most engaged translators to %1$s will be rewarded by getting promotional code to download Pro version of this app for free! 
    When you tap '%2$s' you'll be redirected to our translation system.

    changed by Bartosz .
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In Polish:

    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Czy chcesz przetłumaczyć tą aplikację na %1$s i otrzymać wersję Pro za darmo?
    Czy chcesz przetłumaczyć aplikację na %1$s i otrzymać wersję Pro za darmo?
    changed by Bartosz .
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  1. Czy chcesz przetłumaczyć tą aplikację na %1$s i otrzymać wersję Pro za darmo?
    Czy chcesz przetłumaczyć aplikację na %1$s i otrzymać wersję Pro za darmo?
    changed by Bartosz .
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    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Czy chcesz zaktualizować tłumaczenie na %1$s i otrzymać wersję Pro za darmo?
    Czy chcesz zaktualizować tłumaczenie na %1$s i otrzymać wersję Pro za darmo?
    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Używasz języka %1$s, a my aktualnie poszukujemy więcej tłumaczy na %1$s. Możesz pomóc innym użytkownikom przez poprawę lub aktualizację tłumaczenia dołączając do grupy naszych tłumaczy na %1$s. Wymagana jest znajomość języka angielskiego i płynna znajomość %1$s jako języka codziennego użytku. Najbardziej zaangażowani tłumacze na %1$s zostaną nagrodzeni przez otrzymanie kodu promocyjnego uprawniającego do pobrania wersji Pro tej aplikacji za darmo! Kliknięcie '%2$s' przekieruje Cię do naszego systemu tłumaczeń.
    Używasz języka %1$s, a my aktualnie poszukujemy więcej tłumaczy na %1$s. 
    Możesz pomóc innym użytkownikom przez poprawę lub aktualizację tłumaczenia dołączając do grupy naszych tłumaczy na %1$s. 
    Wymagana jest znajomość języka angielskiego i płynna znajomość %1$s jako języka codziennego użytku. 
    Najbardziej zaangażowani tłumacze na %1$s zostaną nagrodzeni przez otrzymanie kodu promocyjnego uprawniającego do pobrania wersji Pro tej aplikacji za darmo! 
    Kliknięcie '%2$s' przekieruje Cię do naszego systemu tłumaczeń.
    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Tak
    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Nie
    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Wyjście
    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Następny
    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Wystąpił problem z połączeniem do Usług Google Play
    Wystąpił problem z połączeniem do Usług Google Play
    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Próba znalezienia rozwiązania…
    Próba znalezienia rozwiązania
    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Problem nie został rozwiązany
    Problem nie został rozwiązany
    changed by Bartosz .
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24 Nov from 10:24pm to 10:40pm