Fulmine Software/Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library)



  1. We respect your privacy and we treat it seriously. This is why, we only use data necessary for our apps and services to function as efficiently as possible.
    We respect your privacy and we treat it seriously. This is why, we only use data necessary for our apps and services to function as efficiently as possible.
    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. We respect your privacy and we treat it seriously. This is why, we only use data necessary for our apps and services to function as efficiently as possible.
    We respect your privacy and we treat it seriously. This is why, we only use data necessary for our apps and services to function as efficiently as possible.
    changed by Nocrapatall .
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  3. Respektujeme vaše soukromí a bereme ho vážně. Proto používáme pouze data nezbytně nutná pro běh našich aplikací a služeb, aby pracovaly co nejefektivněji.
    Respektujeme vaše soukromí a bereme ho vážně. Proto používáme pouze data nezbytně nutná pro běh našich aplikací a služeb, aby pracovaly co nejefektivněji.

    Respektujeme vaše soukromí a bereme ho vážně. Proto používáme pouze data nezbytně nutná pro běh našich aplikací a služeb, aby pracovaly co nejefektivněji.

    changed by Tomsanik .
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