Fulmine Software/Common texts for all apps by Fulmine Software (Fulmine Tools Library)



  1. App license verification failed. Please ensure that the device is connected to the Internet and then restart the app to verify with the license server. Further app operation will be possible after a positive license verification. App will close in a moment.
    App license verification failed. Please ensure that the device is connected to the Internet and then restart the app to verify with the license server. Further app operation will be possible after a positive license verification. App will close in a moment.

    App license verification failed. 
    Please ensure that the device is connected to the Internet and then restart the app to verify with the license server. 
    Further app operation will be possible after a positive license verification. 
    App will close in a moment.

    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. App license verification failed. Please ensure that the device is connected to the Internet and then restart the app to verify with the license server. Further app operation will be possible after a positive license verification. App will close in a moment.
    App license verification failed. Please ensure that the device is connected to the Internet and then restart the app to verify with the license server. Further app operation will be possible after a positive license verification. App will close in a moment.

    App license verification failed. 
    Please ensure that the device is connected to the Internet and then restart the app to verify with the license server. 
    Further app operation will be possible after a positive license verification. 
    App will close in a moment.

    changed by Nocrapatall .
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  3. Selhalo ověření licence aplikace. Přesvědčte se prosím, že je zařízení připojeno k internetu, a restartujte aplikaci pro ověření na licenčním serveru. Další používání aplikace bude možné po pozitivním ověření licence. Aplikace se za okamžik ukončí.
    Selhalo ověření licence aplikace. 
    Přesvědčte se prosím, že je zařízení připojeno k internetu, a restartujte aplikaci pro ověření na licenčním serveru. 
    Další používání aplikace bude možné po pozitivním ověření licence. 
    Aplikace se za okamžik ukončí.
    changed by Tomsanik .
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