Fulmine Software/Compass
Sensor sampling rate
Sensor sampling rate
Näytteenottotaajuus -
Concerns app's screen. Status bar notification is using the lowest sampling rate.
Concerns app's screen. Status bar notification is using the lowest sampling rate.
Koskee sovellusnäyttöä. Tilailmoitus käyttää alhaisinta näytetaajuutta. -
Highest (the most power is used)
Highest (the most power is used)
Korkein (eniten virtaa käytetään) -
High (recommended)
High (recommended)
Suuri (suositellaan) -
Keskikokoinen -
Lowest (power saving)
Lowest (power saving)
Alin (Virransäästö) -
Integrate with Alarms app
Integrate with Alarms app
Yhdistä Alarm sovellukseen -
True heading is primary
True heading is primary
When true heading is available show it on the compass and the primary position
When true heading is available show it on the compass and the primary position
Heading unit
Heading unit
Mils 6400
Mils 6400
Mils 6000
Mils 6000
Lock compass button description - when pressed compass ring will stay at it's current position.
Lock compassLock compass
Lukitse kompassirengas -
Unlock compass button description - when pressed compass ring will start rotating to north direction.
Unlock compassUnlock compass
Avaa kompassirengas -
Menu item text. After tapping detailed information about heading and location window will be displayed.
Tiedot -
Menu item text. After tapping window with information on how to calibrate compass will be displayed.
Kalibrointi -
Please find a place with low magnetic field value.
Please find a place with low magnetic field value.
Etsi paikka mihin ei kohdistu voimakasta magneettikenttää. -
Rotate device as shown in the 3 steps below and close this window.
Rotate device as shown in the 3 steps below and close this window.
Käännä laitetta 3 kuvatulla tavalla ja sulje tämä ikkuna.