

  1. Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification visibility, pause duration, app theme and more.
    Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification visibility, pause duration, app theme and more.
    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification view, pause duration, app theme and more.
    Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification view, pause duration, app theme and more.
    changed by Nocrapatall .
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  3. Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification view, pause duration, app theme and more.
    Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification view, pause duration, app theme and more.
    changed by Nocrapatall .
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  4. Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification visibility, pause duration, app theme and more.
    Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification visibility, pause duration, app theme and more.
    changed by Bartosz .
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  5. Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification visibility, pause duration, app theme and more.
    Night Mode has many customization options like blue light filter color temperature, intensity, shaking sensitivity, notification visibility, pause duration, app theme and more.
    changed by Nocrapatall .
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  6. Modo Noite dispón de moitas posibilidades que permiten personalizar a aplicación: filtro da luz azul e da temperatura de cor, intensidade, sensibilidade do abaneo, visibilidade das notificacións, establecer pausas de uso, temas e moito máis.
    Modo Noite dispón de moitas posibilidades que permiten personalizar a aplicación: filtro da luz azul e da temperatura de cor, intensidade, sensibilidade do abaneo, visibilidade das notificacións, establecer pausas de uso, temas e moito máis.

    Modo Noite dispón de moitas posibilidades que permiten personalizar a aplicación: filtro da luz azul e da temperatura de cor, intensidade, sensibilidade do abaneo, visibilidade das notificacións, establecer pausas de uso, temas e moito máis.

    changed by Xesusmosquera .
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