

  1. This app utilizes an advanced pen simulation technology to make your handwriting look as if you were writing with a real pen that uses ink. Nothing makes your messages more elegant and original than ink and your own handwriting. Through the use of a stroke smoothing algorithm lines will look amazing and smooth.
    This app utilizes an advanced pen simulation technology to make your handwriting look as if you were writing with a real pen that uses ink. Nothing makes your messages more elegant and original than ink and your own handwriting. Through the use of a stroke smoothing algorithm lines will look amazing and smooth.

    This app utilizes an advanced pen simulation technology to make your handwriting look as if you were writing with a real pen that uses ink. Nothing makes your messages more elegant and original than ink and your own handwriting. Through the use of a stroke smoothing algorithm lines will look amazing and smooth.

    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Ova aplikacija koristi napredni simulacijski simbol tehnologije kako bi vaš rukopis izgledao kao da piše pravim penjom koji koristi tintu. Ništa ne čini svoje poruke elegantnijim i originalnijim od tinte i vlastitog rukopisa. Korištenjem algoritma za zaglađivanje moždanog udarca izgledat će nevjerojatno i glatko.
    Ova aplikacija koristi napredni simulacijski simbol tehnologije kako bi vaš rukopis izgledao kao da piše pravim penjom koji koristi tintu. Ništa ne čini svoje poruke elegantnijim i originalnijim od tinte i vlastitog rukopisa. Korištenjem algoritma za zaglađivanje moždanog udarca izgledat će nevjerojatno i glatko.
    changed by Zenithkris9 .
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