

  1. Camera is currently in use. Please close the app which uses the camera before launching %1$s.
    Camera is currently in use. Please close the app which uses the camera before launching %1$s.

    Camera is currently in use.         
    Please close the app which uses the camera before launching %1$s.

    changed by Bartosz .
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  2. Kamera ayni paytda ishlatilmoqda. %1$s ilovasini ishga tushirishdan oldin kameradan foydalanayotgan boshqa ilovani yoping.
    Kamera ayni paytda ishlatilmoqda.         
    %1$s ilovasini ishga tushirishdan oldin kameradan foydalanayotgan boshqa ilovani yoping.
    changed via the API .
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