

  1. 2. Make sure that you've turned on LED light button before turning on light.If LED light button can't be turned on, please go to point 3 below.
    2. Make sure that you've turned on LED light button before turning on light.If LED light button can't be turned on, please go to point 3 below.

    2. Make sure that you've turned on LED light button before turning on light.If LED light button can't be turned on, please go to point 3 below.

    changed via the API .
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  2. 2.LED چىراغ ياندۇرۇش كۈنۈپكىسىنى بېسىڭ.ئەگەر ياندۇرغىلى بولمىسا ئۈسكىنىڭىزنى قايتا قوزغىتىپ سىناپ بېقىڭ.
    2.LED چىراغ ياندۇرۇش كۈنۈپكىسىنى بېسىڭ.ئەگەر ياندۇرغىلى بولمىسا ئۈسكىنىڭىزنى  قايتا قوزغىتىپ سىناپ  بېقىڭ.
    changed via the API .
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  3. 2. Make sure that you've turned on LED light button before turning on light.
    2. Make sure that you've turned on LED light button before turning on light.

    2. Make sure that you've turned on LED light button before turning on light.

    changed via the API .
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  4. 2.LED چىراغ ياندۇرۇش كۈنۈپكىسىنى بېسىڭ.ئەگەر ياندۇرغىلى بولمىسا ئۈسكىنىڭىزنى قايتا قوزغىتىپ سىناپ بېقىڭ.
    2.LED چىراغ ياندۇرۇش كۈنۈپكىسىنى بېسىڭ.ئەگەر ياندۇرغىلى بولمىسا ئۈسكىنىڭىزنى  قايتا قوزغىتىپ سىناپ  بېقىڭ.
    changed via the API .
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    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.

  5. 2.LED چىراغ ياندۇرۇش كۈنۈپكىسىنى بېسىڭ.
    2.LED چىراغ ياندۇرۇش كۈنۈپكىسىنى بېسىڭ.
    changed by Bartosz .
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