

  1. The best recipe for potato pancakes: 1 bag of potatoes 2 onions 1 spoon of wheat flour 2 eggs a bit of salt and pepper. Wipe off the potatoes, mix everything. Fry in oil.
    The best recipe for potato pancakes: 1 bag of potatoes 2 onions 1 spoon of wheat flour 2 eggs a bit of salt and pepper. Wipe off the potatoes, mix everything. Fry in oil.

    The best recipe for potato pancakes: 
    1 bag of potatoes 
    2 onions 
    1 spoon of wheat flour 
    2 eggs 
    a bit of salt and pepper. 
    Wipe off the potatoes, mix everything. 
    Fry in oil.

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  2. A melhor receita de panquecas de batata: 1 saco de batatas 2 cebolas 1 colher de farinha de trigo 2 ovos um pouco de sal e pimenta. Limpe as batatas, misture tudo. Frite em óleo.
    A melhor receita de panquecas de batata: 
    1 saco de batatas 
    2 cebolas 
    1 colher de farinha de trigo 
    2 ovos 
    um pouco de sal e pimenta. 
    Limpe as batatas, misture tudo. 
    Frite em óleo.
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