Project Activity

25 Apr ‘17 14:35
The Chinese (Traditional Han) (zh-Hant) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:34
The Chinese (Simplified Han) (zh-Hans) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:34
The Catalan (ca) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:34
The Bulgarian (bg) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:34
The Bosnian (bs) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:34
The Bengali (bn) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:34
The Belarusian (be) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:34
The Basque (eu) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:34
The Azeri (az) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:34
The Armenian (hy) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:33
The Arabic (ar) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:33
The Amharic (am) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:33
The Albanian (sq) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:21
The English, United States (en-US) language was added to the project Battery Indicator.
25 Apr ‘17 14:20
Bartosz created the project Battery Indicator.