European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Erwin Schulz wurde am 13. Oktober 1912 in Tempelhof (gehört seit 1920 zu Berlin) geboren. 1922 trat er dem Arbeitersportverein ›Fichte‹ bei. Vereine des Arbeitersports galten als fortschrittlich und antibürgerlich. Fünf Jahre später trat er in die Gewerkschaft, den Zentralverband der Angestellten, ein. Nach der Machtübergabe an Hitler im Januar 1933 wurden oppositionelle Gruppierungen nach und nach verboten, so auch der Arbeitersportverein ›Fichte‹. Erwin Schulz wurde im September 1935 wegen Vorbereitung zum Hochverrat zu fünf Jahren Zuchthaus verurteilt, weil er u.a. antinazistische Flugblätter verteilt hatte und die klandestinen Strukturen von ›Fichte‹ aufrecht erhielt. Die Stationen der nächsten zehn Jahre hießen u.a. Zuchthaus Luckau, die Lager Esterwegen und Börgermoor, Strafdivision 999er, marokkanische, französische, englische und amerikanische Kriegsgefangenschaft. Er kehrte erst im Oktober 1946 nach Berlin zurück.
Erwin Schulz wurde am 13. Oktober 1912 in Tempelhof (gehört seit 1920 zu Berlin) geboren. 1922 trat er dem Arbeitersportverein ›Fichte‹ bei. Vereine des Arbeitersports galten als fortschrittlich und antibürgerlich. Fünf Jahre später trat er in die Gewerkschaft, den Zentralverband der Angestellten, ein. Nach der Machtübergabe an Hitler im Januar 1933 wurden oppositionelle Gruppierungen nach und nach verboten, so auch der Arbeitersportverein ›Fichte‹. Erwin Schulz wurde im September 1935 wegen Vorbereitung zum Hochverrat zu fünf Jahren Zuchthaus verurteilt, weil er u.a. antinazistische Flugblätter verteilt hatte und die klandestinen Strukturen von ›Fichte‹ aufrecht erhielt. Die Stationen der nächsten zehn Jahre hießen u.a. Zuchthaus Luckau, die Lager Esterwegen und Börgermoor, Strafdivision 999er, marokkanische, französische, englische und amerikanische Kriegsgefangenschaft. Er kehrte erst im Oktober 1946 nach Berlin zurück.
Erwin Schulz was born on the 13th of October 1912 in Tempelhof (belonging to Berlin since 1920). In 1922, he joined the workers sport group “Fichte”. These sport groups were considered as being progressive and anti-bourgeois. Five years later he joined the trade union, the central association of office workers. After Hitler took over the power in January 1933, opposition groups were slowly forbidden, “Fichte” also. Erwin Schulz was condemned to five years imprisonment for preparation of high treason, because he had distributed antifascist flyers and helped to keep up the clandestine structures of "Fichte". The next ten years he went through the prison of Luckau, the camps of Esterwegen and Börgermoor, the punishment division 999, Moroccan, French, English and American captivity. Not until October 1946 he returned to Berlin. -
Lorenz Knorr wurde am 18.Juli 1921 in Eger ( CSSR ) heute Cheb geboren. Als Sohn einer Arbeiterfunktionärsfamilie, war L. Knorr vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Mitglied der Sozialdemokratischen Partei der CSSR. Während der Nazi Herrschaft wirkte L. Knorr bei der Verbreitung von Informationen, Publikationen, Sabotage an Rüstungs - und Kriegstransporten, als auch bei Sprengungen von Munitionslagern, mit. Er wurde zur Wehrmacht einberufen und kam 1942 wegen Wehrkraftszersetzung vor ein Kriegsgericht, dann in eine Strafkompanie in Afrika. Auch dort sowie später im besetzten Polen fand er Möglichkeiten zur antifaschistischen Tätigkeit. 1947-1950 war er Landessekretär bei der Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands - Die Falken und amtierte von 1950-1960 als Bundessekretär. 1960 stieg er wegen Protest aus der SPD aus und positionierte sich gegen das Einschwenken der SPD auf den NATO- Kurs. Daraufhin gründete er die Deutsche Friedensunion (DFU) mit.
Lorenz Knorr wurde am 18.Juli 1921 in Eger ( CSSR ) heute Cheb geboren. Als Sohn einer Arbeiterfunktionärsfamilie, war L. Knorr vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Mitglied der Sozialdemokratischen Partei der CSSR. Während der Nazi Herrschaft wirkte L. Knorr bei der Verbreitung von Informationen, Publikationen, Sabotage an Rüstungs - und Kriegstransporten, als auch bei Sprengungen von Munitionslagern, mit. Er wurde zur Wehrmacht einberufen und kam 1942 wegen Wehrkraftszersetzung vor ein Kriegsgericht, dann in eine Strafkompanie in Afrika. Auch dort sowie später im besetzten Polen fand er Möglichkeiten zur antifaschistischen Tätigkeit. 1947-1950 war er Landessekretär bei der Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands - Die Falken und amtierte von 1950-1960 als Bundessekretär. 1960 stieg er wegen Protest aus der SPD aus und positionierte sich gegen das Einschwenken der SPD auf den NATO- Kurs. Daraufhin gründete er die Deutsche Friedensunion (DFU) mit.
Lorenz Knorr was born on July 18th 1921 in Eger (CSSR), today called Cheb. He was the son of functionaries of the labour movement. Before WW2, he was a member of the social democratic party of the CSSR. During Nazi-rule, he participated in spreading information, publications, acts of sabotage on armament- and war-transports as well as in blowing up ammunition depots. He was called up for the German Wehrmacht and in 1942; he came in front of a court martial for undermining military strength. He was sent to a punishment battalion in Africa. Here, as well as later in occupied Poland, he found ways of antifascist action. From 1947-1950, he was county secretary of the Socialist Youth Germany and from 1950-1960 he was their federal secretary. In 1960, he left the social democrat party in protest, being opposed to its affirmation of the NATO-policies. Due to this, he took part in founding the German Peace Union. -
Giacomo Notari was born in Busana (RE) on 26 December 1927. Today he still lives in this small village in the mountains near Reggio Emilia. After having witnessed several innocent people killed by the fascists, he was still very young when he decided to become a partisan. After the 8th of September 1943 he joined the 145th Garibaldi Brigade »Franco Casoli«, operating in the mountains near Reggio in the area of Ligonchio, Busana and Cervarezza. His battle name was »Willi«. He took part in several sabotages of bridges and telephone poles, as well as in the last great battle to defend the Ligonchio hydroelectric power plant, from 10 to 14 April 1945.
Giacomo Notari was born in Busana (RE) on 26 December 1927. Today he still lives in this small village in the mountains near Reggio Emilia. After having witnessed several innocent people killed by the fascists, he was still very young when he decided to become a partisan. After the 8th of September 1943 he joined the 145th Garibaldi Brigade »Franco Casoli«, operating in the mountains near Reggio in the area of Ligonchio, Busana and Cervarezza. His battle name was »Willi«. He took part in several sabotages of bridges and telephone poles, as well as in the last great battle to defend the Ligonchio hydroelectric power plant, from 10 to 14 April 1945.
Giacomo Notari was born in Busana (RE) on December 6th 1927. Today he still lives in this small village in the mountains near Reggio Emilia. After having witnessed several innocent people killed by the fascists, he was still very young when he decided to become a partisan. After the 8th of September 1943 he joined the 145th Garibaldi Brigade »Franco Casoli«, operating in the mountains near Reggio in the area of Ligonchio, Busana and Cervarezza. His battle name was »Willi«. He took part in several sabotages of bridges and telephone poles, as well as in the last great battle to defend the Ligonchio hydroelectric power plant, from 10 to 14 April 1945. -
Lidia Valeriani, Montecavolo di Quattro Castella 23.01.1923 - Reggio Emilia 17.12.2014. Starting from 1939 she became active in »Soccorso Rosso«. After Mussolini’s fall, on 8 September 1943, she took part in demonstrations and assisted disbanded soldiers. Lidia Valeriani organized the strike in Montecavolo and consequently became a victim of persecution by the fascists. She then fled in the province of Modena, working with the »women support groups«. From March 1944 she joined the »2nd Division Modena lowlands« of the 35th Garibaldi Brigade »Walter Tabacchi« working as a secretary of the headquarters. She took care of both dispatch rider and military tasks until the Liberation. She was awarded a Silver Medal for Military Valour.
Lidia Valeriani, Montecavolo di Quattro Castella 23.01.1923 - Reggio Emilia 17.12.2014. Starting from 1939 she became active in »Soccorso Rosso«. After Mussolini’s fall, on 8 September 1943, she took part in demonstrations and assisted disbanded soldiers. Lidia Valeriani organized the strike in Montecavolo and consequently became a victim of persecution by the fascists. She then fled in the province of Modena, working with the »women support groups«. From March 1944 she joined the »2nd Division Modena lowlands« of the 35th Garibaldi Brigade »Walter Tabacchi« working as a secretary of the headquarters. She took care of both dispatch rider and military tasks until the Liberation. She was awarded a Silver Medal for Military Valour.
Lidia Valeriani, Montecavolo di Quattro Castella 23.01.1923 - Reggio Emilia 17.12.2014. Starting from 1939 she became active in »Soccorso Rosso«. After Mussolini’s fall, on 8 September 1943, she took part in demonstrations and assisted disbanded soldiers. Lidia Valeriani organized the strike in Montecavolo and consequently became a victim of persecution by the fascists. She then fled in the province of Modena, working with the »women support groups«. From March 1944 she joined the »2nd Division Modena lowlands« of the 35th Garibaldi Brigade »Walter Tabacchi« working as a secretary of the headquarters. She took care of both dispatch rider and military tasks until the Liberation. She was awarded a Silver Medal for Military Valour. -
He was born on November 16th, 1924 in Warsaw. He joined the scouts from in the mid-thirties. During the siege of Warsaw in October 1939 He helped the troops to move around the city. During the first years of occupation he engaged as a member of the Main Tutelary Council (RGO) and helped the poor and the war prisoners. He often illegally provided food and organized the evasions of Polish officers from German prisons. At the same time he took part in life-saving actions in the ghetto, leading Jews to the Arian side. He was a member of the Armia Krajowa (the Home Army), was arrested in 1942 and put in Pawiak prison. Later he was moved to Majdanek, Buchenwald and Schonebeck concentration camps. He is living in Warsaw today.
He was born on November 16th, 1924 in Warsaw. He joined the scouts from in the mid-thirties. During the siege of Warsaw in October 1939 He helped the troops to move around the city. During the first years of occupation he engaged as a member of the Main Tutelary Council (RGO) and helped the poor and the war prisoners. He often illegally provided food and organized the evasions of Polish officers from German prisons. At the same time he took part in life-saving actions in the ghetto, leading Jews to the Arian side. He was a member of the Armia Krajowa (the Home Army), was arrested in 1942 and put in Pawiak prison. Later he was moved to Majdanek, Buchenwald and Schonebeck concentration camps. He is living in Warsaw today.
He was born on November 16th, 1924 in Warsaw. He joined the scouts from in the mid-thirties. During the siege of Warsaw in October 1939 He helped the troops to move around the city. During the first years of occupation he engaged as a member of the Main Tutelary Council (RGO) and helped the poor and the war prisoners. He often illegally provided food and organized the evasions of Polish officers from German prisons. At the same time he took part in life-saving actions in the ghetto, leading Jews to the Arian side. He was a member of the Armia Krajowa (the Home Army), was arrested in 1942 and put in Pawiak prison. Later he was moved to Majdanek, Buchenwald and Schonebeck concentration camps. He is living in Warsaw today. -
She was born on October 12th, 1916 in St. Petersburg. Before World War II her family bought the estate in Orwidów Dolny in the Vilnius county, today Lithuania. On Sept 17th 1939 the Soviet Army invaded the territory, the Vilnius county became a part of Lithuania, and after that of the Soviet Union. In the spring of 1941, her mother was deported to the Soviet Union inland during the surge of repression on Polish people. After the German invasion in the summer of 1941, Stefania started to hide people oppressed by the occupant in the estate where she lived alone. Several refugees from Warsaw, Jews, members of the leftist resistance movement were hiding there. Most of them survived the war. Stefania Dąmbrowska engaged in the works of the Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN) in Lublin as well as the committee documenting the Nazi genocide in the Majdanek concentration camp. She was awarder the medal of the Just Among the World’s Nations. She lives in Warsaw.
She was born on October 12th, 1916 in St. Petersburg. Before World War II her family bought the estate in Orwidów Dolny in the Vilnius county, today Lithuania. On Sept 17th 1939 the Soviet Army invaded the territory, the Vilnius county became a part of Lithuania, and after that of the Soviet Union. In the spring of 1941, her mother was deported to the Soviet Union inland during the surge of repression on Polish people. After the German invasion in the summer of 1941, Stefania started to hide people oppressed by the occupant in the estate where she lived alone. Several refugees from Warsaw, Jews, members of the leftist resistance movement were hiding there. Most of them survived the war. Stefania Dąmbrowska engaged in the works of the Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN) in Lublin as well as the committee documenting the Nazi genocide in the Majdanek concentration camp. She was awarder the medal of the Just Among the World’s Nations. She lives in Warsaw.
She was born on October 12th, 1916 in St. Petersburg. Before World War II her family bought the estate in Orwidów Dolny in the Vilnius county, today Lithuania. On Sept 17th 1939 the Soviet Army invaded the territory, the Vilnius county became a part of Lithuania, and after that of the Soviet Union. In the spring of 1941, her mother was deported to the Soviet Union inland during the surge of repression on Polish people. After the German invasion in the summer of 1941, Stefania started to hide people oppressed by the occupant in the estate where she lived alone. Several refugees from Warsaw, Jews, members of the leftist resistance movement were hiding there. Most of them survived the war. Stefania Dąmbrowska engaged in the works of the Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN) in Lublin as well as the committee documenting the Nazi genocide in the Majdanek concentration camp. She was awarder the medal of the Just Among the World’s Nations. She lives in Warsaw. -
He was born on February 4th, 1929 in Warsaw. At the beginning of the war he engaged in the scouts’ activities, took part in reconnaissance actions and acts of sabotage. During the Warsaw Uprising he took part as a member of the AK (Home Army) in the unsuccessful attack on the Okęcie airport. Later on he reached the forests near Warsaw and subsequently served in three partisan squads. After the war, for a few years he was imprisoned in communist prison for subversive activity. He lives in Józefów near Warsaw.
He was born on February 4th, 1929 in Warsaw. At the beginning of the war he engaged in the scouts’ activities, took part in reconnaissance actions and acts of sabotage. During the Warsaw Uprising he took part as a member of the AK (Home Army) in the unsuccessful attack on the Okęcie airport. Later on he reached the forests near Warsaw and subsequently served in three partisan squads. After the war, for a few years he was imprisoned in communist prison for subversive activity. He lives in Józefów near Warsaw.
He was born on February 4th, 1929 in Warsaw. At the beginning of the war he engaged in the scouts’ activities, took part in reconnaissance actions and acts of sabotage. During the Warsaw Uprising he took part as a member of the AK (Home Army) in the unsuccessful attack on the Okęcie airport. Later on he reached the forests near Warsaw and subsequently served in three partisan squads. After the war, for a few years he was imprisoned in communist prison for subversive activity. He lives in Józefów near Warsaw. -
Ana Zablatnik, am 30. 10. 1923 in Ludmannsdorf/Bilčovs im südlichen Teil Kärntens geboren, ist Angehörige der slowenischen Minderheit. Sie und ihre Familie waren bereits früh Demütigungen ausgesetzt. Die Androhung einer Deportation (»Aussiedlung«) 1942 durch die Nazis, von der sie und ihre Familie glücklicherweise verschont blieben, führten zu ihrem Entschluss, Kontakt zu den PartisanInnen der »Osvobodilna fronta« (slowenische Befreiungsfront) herzustellen, die 1943 auch in der Umgebung ihres Heimatortes aktiv wurden. Am 6. Mai 1944 wurde sie verhaftet und in das Gestapo-Gefängnis in Klagenfurt eingeliefert. Ab Anfang 1945 wartete sie im landesgerichtlichen Gefangenenhaus auf den Prozess vor dem berüchtigten Volksgerichtshof, wozu es aber nicht mehr kam. Sie wurde in den letzten Kriegstagen (4. bis 6. Mai 1945) freigelassen. Ihre widerständige Haltung gegen jede Form von Diskriminierung hat sie bis heute bewahrt.
Ana Zablatnik, am 30. 10. 1923 in Ludmannsdorf/Bilčovs im südlichen Teil Kärntens geboren, ist Angehörige der slowenischen Minderheit. Sie und ihre Familie waren bereits früh Demütigungen ausgesetzt. Die Androhung einer Deportation (»Aussiedlung«) 1942 durch die Nazis, von der sie und ihre Familie glücklicherweise verschont blieben, führten zu ihrem Entschluss, Kontakt zu den PartisanInnen der »Osvobodilna fronta« (slowenische Befreiungsfront) herzustellen, die 1943 auch in der Umgebung ihres Heimatortes aktiv wurden. Am 6. Mai 1944 wurde sie verhaftet und in das Gestapo-Gefängnis in Klagenfurt eingeliefert. Ab Anfang 1945 wartete sie im landesgerichtlichen Gefangenenhaus auf den Prozess vor dem berüchtigten Volksgerichtshof, wozu es aber nicht mehr kam. Sie wurde in den letzten Kriegstagen (4. bis 6. Mai 1945) freigelassen. Ihre widerständige Haltung gegen jede Form von Diskriminierung hat sie bis heute bewahrt.
Ana Zablatnik was born in 1923 in the village Ludmannsdorf/Bilčovs in the southern part of Carinthia. She belongs to the Slovenian speaking minority. Early, she and her family were confronted with humiliations. The threat of being deported by the Nazis in 1942, from which she and her family luckily stayed unharmed, led to the decision to contact the partisans of the „Osvobodilna fronta“, the Slovenian liberation front. They were active in 1943 near her home village. On May 6th 1944 she was arrested and brought to a Gestapo-prison in Klagenfurt. From the beginning of 1945, she awaited her trial in the notorious court of justice, but it was not realized anymore. She was released in the last days of war (4.-6. May 1945). She kept her resistant attitude against any form of discrimination up to today. -
Lucien Ducastel was born on August 28th,1920 in Darnetal. Soon he joins the Communist Youth Movement. As a member of the Communist Party (which was banned along with other Youth organisations and Workers) his activities consist of raising awareness of the French population regarding the occupation by distributing leaflets, especially at the factory gates, and hanging up posters protesting against the occupation and the Vichy government. He is arrested at his parents home in Petit-Quevilly by the French police on October 21st,1941 and taken to the prison in Rouen, from where he is transported to the Camp of Compiègne, a hostages camp, along with a hundred comrades. After eight months of imprisonment in the camp of Compiègne he is deported to Auschwitz on July 6th,1942. This transport will later on be called the convoi of the 45000s, as the deportees of this convoy, essentially political opponents, will be registered in Auschwitz with the numbers 45157-46326. Lucien gets the number 45491. He is one of the few that will ever return to France. Upon his arrival, Lucien Ducastel is transferred to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where he will stay for 8 months before returning to the Stammlager Auschwitz I. From there he will be transferred to Gross-Rosen in August 1944 and afterwards to Dora-Mittelbau, where he will finally be liberated. After a long recovery he returns to his work on construction sites and takes up his political activities in the French Communist Party and the Workers Union as well. He starts a family and moves to Nanterre in the 50s, where he still lives today. He is an active member of a association called « Mémoire vive » (alive memory) and visits school classes to talk about his experience during the war. This activity is extremely important to him.
Lucien Ducastel was born on August 28th,1920 in Darnetal. Soon he joins the Communist Youth Movement. As a member of the Communist Party (which was banned along with other Youth organisations and Workers) his activities consist of raising awareness of the French population regarding the occupation by distributing leaflets, especially at the factory gates, and hanging up posters protesting against the occupation and the Vichy government. He is arrested at his parents home in Petit-Quevilly by the French police on October 21st,1941 and taken to the prison in Rouen, from where he is transported to the Camp of Compiègne, a hostages camp, along with a hundred comrades. After eight months of imprisonment in the camp of Compiègne he is deported to Auschwitz on July 6th,1942. This transport will later on be called the convoi of the 45000s, as the deportees of this convoy, essentially political opponents, will be registered in Auschwitz with the numbers 45157-46326. Lucien gets the number 45491. He is one of the few that will ever return to France. Upon his arrival, Lucien Ducastel is transferred to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where he will stay for 8 months before returning to the Stammlager Auschwitz I. From there he will be transferred to Gross-Rosen in August 1944 and afterwards to Dora-Mittelbau, where he will finally be liberated. After a long recovery he returns to his work on construction sites and takes up his political activities in the French Communist Party and the Workers Union as well. He starts a family and moves to Nanterre in the 50s, where he still lives today. He is an active member of a association called « Mémoire vive » (alive memory) and visits school classes to talk about his experience during the war. This activity is extremely important to him.
Lucien Ducastel was born on August 28th,1920 in Darnetal. Soon he joins the Communist Youth Movement. As a member of the Communist Party (which was banned along with other Youth organisations and Workers) his activities consist of raising awareness of the French population regarding the occupation by distributing leaflets, especially at the factory gates, and hanging up posters protesting against the occupation and the Vichy government. He is arrested at his parents home in Petit-Quevilly by the French police on October 21st,1941 and taken to the prison in Rouen, from where he is transported to the Camp of Compiègne, a hostages camp, along with a hundred comrades. After eight months of imprisonment in the camp of Compiègne he is deported to Auschwitz on July 6th,1942. This transport will later on be called the convoi of the 45000s, as the deportees of this convoy, essentially political opponents, will be registered in Auschwitz with the numbers 45157-46326. Lucien gets the number 45491. He is one of the few that will ever return to France. Upon his arrival, Lucien Ducastel is transferred to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where he will stay for 8 months before returning to the Stammlager Auschwitz I. From there he will be transferred to Gross-Rosen in August 1944 and afterwards to Dora-Mittelbau, where he will finally be liberated. After a long recovery he returns to his work on construction sites and takes up his political activities in the French Communist Party and the Workers Union as well. He starts a family and moves to Nanterre in the 50s, where he still lives today. He is an active member of a association called « Mémoire vive » (alive memory) and visits school classes to talk about his experience during the war. This activity is extremely important to him. -
Fernando Cavazzini was born in Reggio Emilia on 23 September 1923. On 25 July 1943 he took part in public demonstrations in Reggio Emilia, demanding peace and celebrating the fall of the fascist regime. From then on he was involved in the antifascist struggle. After the 8th of September 1943 he assisted soldiers by providing them with plain clothes and helping them to flee. He later became a partisan and left for the mountains, joining the 26th Garibaldi Brigade »Enzo Bagnoli«. His battle name was »Tony«. He took part in the battle of Cerrè Sologno, in the Appennini mountains near Reggio, one of the most significant battles between the partisans of the mountains and fascists and Germans. He later became the head of a sapper unit called »Demonio«, that had to mine and blow up all the bridges in the Province of Reggio. After the war, he was awarded a Bronze Medal for Military Valour.
Fernando Cavazzini was born in Reggio Emilia on 23 September 1923. On 25 July 1943 he took part in public demonstrations in Reggio Emilia, demanding peace and celebrating the fall of the fascist regime. From then on he was involved in the antifascist struggle. After the 8th of September 1943 he assisted soldiers by providing them with plain clothes and helping them to flee. He later became a partisan and left for the mountains, joining the 26th Garibaldi Brigade »Enzo Bagnoli«. His battle name was »Tony«. He took part in the battle of Cerrè Sologno, in the Appennini mountains near Reggio, one of the most significant battles between the partisans of the mountains and fascists and Germans. He later became the head of a sapper unit called »Demonio«, that had to mine and blow up all the bridges in the Province of Reggio. After the war, he was awarded a Bronze Medal for Military Valour.
Fernando Cavazzini was born in Reggio Emilia on 23 September 1923. On 25 July 1943 he took part in public demonstrations in Reggio Emilia, demanding peace and celebrating the fall of the fascist regime. From then on he was involved in the antifascist struggle. After the 8th of September 1943 he assisted soldiers by providing them with plain clothes and helping them to flee. He later became a partisan and left for the mountains, joining the 26th Garibaldi Brigade »Enzo Bagnoli«. His battle name was »Tony«. He took part in the battle of Cerrè Sologno, in the Appennini mountains near Reggio, one of the most significant battles between the partisans of the mountains and fascists and Germans. He later became the head of a sapper unit called »Demonio«, that had to mine and blow up all the bridges in the Province of Reggio. After the war, he was awarded a Bronze Medal for Military Valour. -
Giacomina Castagnetti was born in Roncolo di Quattro Castella (RE) on 11 November 1925. She now lives in Castelnovo né Monti (RE). From 1940 she collected contributions in the area of Quattro Castella for »Soccorso Rosso«, an underground Communist network that assisted antifascists who were victims of political persecution during the fascist regime. She joined the Resistance movement after the 8th of September 1943, in the »women support groups«, women organizations set up by the CLN in order to assist the partisans. She operated in the area of San Martino in Rio (RE) until the Liberation, on 24th April 1945.
Giacomina Castagnetti was born in Roncolo di Quattro Castella (RE) on 11 November 1925. She now lives in Castelnovo né Monti (RE). From 1940 she collected contributions in the area of Quattro Castella for »Soccorso Rosso«, an underground Communist network that assisted antifascists who were victims of political persecution during the fascist regime. She joined the Resistance movement after the 8th of September 1943, in the »women support groups«, women organizations set up by the CLN in order to assist the partisans. She operated in the area of San Martino in Rio (RE) until the Liberation, on 24th April 1945.
Giacomina Castagnetti was born in Roncolo di Quattro Castella (RE) on 11 November 1925. She now lives in Castelnovo né Monti (RE). From 1940 she collected contributions in the area of Quattro Castella for »Soccorso Rosso«, an underground Communist network that assisted antifascists who were victims of political persecution during the fascist regime. She joined the Resistance movement after the 8th of September 1943, in the »women support groups«, women organizations set up by the CLN in order to assist the partisans. She operated in the area of San Martino in Rio (RE) until the Liberation, on 24th April 1945. -
Anita Malavasi, Quattro Castella 21 May 1921 - Reggio Emilia 27 November 2011. She began supporting the partisan struggle after the 8th of September 1943. From the spring of 1944 she operated as a dispatch rider, transporting weapons from the city to the mountains. Her battle name was »Laila«. She then joined the 144th Garibaldi Brigade »Antonio Gramsci«, taking part in the armed struggle in the Reggio area of the Appennini mountains from 2 January 1945 until the Liberation. In that period she was also one of the few women appointed Detachment Commanding Officer, while at the end of the war she was finally appointed Sergeant-Major.
Anita Malavasi, Quattro Castella 21 May 1921 - Reggio Emilia 27 November 2011. She began supporting the partisan struggle after the 8th of September 1943. From the spring of 1944 she operated as a dispatch rider, transporting weapons from the city to the mountains. Her battle name was »Laila«. She then joined the 144th Garibaldi Brigade »Antonio Gramsci«, taking part in the armed struggle in the Reggio area of the Appennini mountains from 2 January 1945 until the Liberation. In that period she was also one of the few women appointed Detachment Commanding Officer, while at the end of the war she was finally appointed Sergeant-Major.
Anita Malavasi, Quattro Castella 21 May 1921 - Reggio Emilia 27 November 2011. She began supporting the partisan struggle after the 8th of September 1943. From the spring of 1944 she operated as a dispatch rider, transporting weapons from the city to the mountains. Her battle name was »Laila«. She then joined the 144th Garibaldi Brigade »Antonio Gramsci«, taking part in the armed struggle in the Reggio area of the Appennini mountains from 2 January 1945 until the Liberation. In that period she was also one of the few women appointed Detachment Commanding Officer, while at the end of the war she was finally appointed Sergeant-Major. -
Pierino Beggi was born on 3 March 1920 and died in Reggio Emilia on 9 January 2015. He was in the military when the fascist regime fell. When the armistice was signed he was in Piemonte, near the French border, and managed to avoid being captured by the Germans. When he returned in Reggio Emilia, in 1943 he enrolled in the GAPs (Patriotic Action Groups). His battle name was »Gigi«. Beggi carried out attacks and sabotages and also took part in the action that lead to the rescue of the valuable curtain of Reggio Emilia’s »Valli« theatre. He contributed to the Liberation of Reggio Emilia on 24 April 1945 and witnessed the arrival of the Allies.
Pierino Beggi was born on 3 March 1920 and died in Reggio Emilia on 9 January 2015. He was in the military when the fascist regime fell. When the armistice was signed he was in Piemonte, near the French border, and managed to avoid being captured by the Germans. When he returned in Reggio Emilia, in 1943 he enrolled in the GAPs (Patriotic Action Groups). His battle name was »Gigi«. Beggi carried out attacks and sabotages and also took part in the action that lead to the rescue of the valuable curtain of Reggio Emilia’s »Valli« theatre. He contributed to the Liberation of Reggio Emilia on 24 April 1945 and witnessed the arrival of the Allies.
Pierino Beggi was born on 3 March 1920 and died in Reggio Emilia on 9 January 2015. He was in the military when the fascist regime fell. When the armistice was signed he was in Piemonte, near the French border, and managed to avoid being captured by the Germans. When he returned in Reggio Emilia, in 1943 he enrolled in the GAPs (Patriotic Action Groups). His battle name was »Gigi«. Beggi carried out attacks and sabotages and also took part in the action that lead to the rescue of the valuable curtain of Reggio Emilia’s »Valli« theatre. He contributed to the Liberation of Reggio Emilia on 24 April 1945 and witnessed the arrival of the Allies. -
Giovanna Quadreri was born in Carpineti (RE) on 14 July 1928. She now lives in Reggio Emilia. She was involved in the partisan struggle from September 1944 until the Liberation, operating between Reggio Emilia and the mountains near the city. Giovanna Quadreri, whose battle names were »Giorgio« and »Libertà«, acted as a dispatch rider in this area, taking care of communications between the Resistance movement city headquarters, the 284thFiamme Verdi Brigade »Italo« – a catholic unit operating in the area of Toano (RE) – and the central headquarters in the Appennini near Reggio. From the beginning of 1945 she joined a special unit called »Gufo Nero« (Black Owl), which received orders directly from the central headquarters of the mountains and took care of communications with the Allied battalion led by Major Lees, a British officer.
Giovanna Quadreri was born in Carpineti (RE) on 14 July 1928. She now lives in Reggio Emilia. She was involved in the partisan struggle from September 1944 until the Liberation, operating between Reggio Emilia and the mountains near the city. Giovanna Quadreri, whose battle names were »Giorgio« and »Libertà«, acted as a dispatch rider in this area, taking care of communications between the Resistance movement city headquarters, the 284thFiamme Verdi Brigade »Italo« – a catholic unit operating in the area of Toano (RE) – and the central headquarters in the Appennini near Reggio. From the beginning of 1945 she joined a special unit called »Gufo Nero« (Black Owl), which received orders directly from the central headquarters of the mountains and took care of communications with the Allied battalion led by Major Lees, a British officer.
Giovanna Quadreri was born in Carpineti (RE) on 14 July 1928. She now lives in Reggio Emilia. She was involved in the partisan struggle from September 1944 until the Liberation, operating between Reggio Emilia and the mountains near the city. Giovanna Quadreri, whose battle names were »Giorgio« and »Libertà«, acted as a dispatch rider in this area, taking care of communications between the Resistance movement city headquarters, the 284thFiamme Verdi Brigade »Italo« – a catholic unit operating in the area of Toano (RE) – and the central headquarters in the Appennini near Reggio. From the beginning of 1945 she joined a special unit called »Gufo Nero« (Black Owl), which received orders directly from the central headquarters of the mountains and took care of communications with the Allied battalion led by Major Lees, a British officer. -
Alenka graduated in 1941 and became a painter. She was on vacation in Ljubljana when Germany attacked the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (6 April 1941). The Kingdom of Yugoslavia capitulated 17 days after Germany’s attack and this was a huge disappointment for Alenka. Ljubljana, situated in the Italian occupied zone, was the centre of the resistance movement and headquarters for Partisans. Following the arrest of her father in early 1944, she had to go into underground. After four months in hiding, she left Ljubljana and joined the partisans in the summer of 1944. She worked in the partisans print, with graphics, leaflets, posters and propaganda. She was active as a cultural worker and created scenes for several plays. Alenka married Vito Globočnik, also a Partisan, but lost him soon after the war due to illness. The most beautiful day in her life was the day she returned to a liberated Ljubljana, on 9th May 1945. Alenka worked as a teacher of art up until her retirement, and since then has been painting landscapes.
Alenka graduated in 1941 and became a painter. She was on vacation in Ljubljana when Germany attacked the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (6 April 1941). The Kingdom of Yugoslavia capitulated 17 days after Germany’s attack and this was a huge disappointment for Alenka. Ljubljana, situated in the Italian occupied zone, was the centre of the resistance movement and headquarters for Partisans. Following the arrest of her father in early 1944, she had to go into underground. After four months in hiding, she left Ljubljana and joined the partisans in the summer of 1944. She worked in the partisans print, with graphics, leaflets, posters and propaganda. She was active as a cultural worker and created scenes for several plays. Alenka married Vito Globočnik, also a Partisan, but lost him soon after the war due to illness. The most beautiful day in her life was the day she returned to a liberated Ljubljana, on 9th May 1945. Alenka worked as a teacher of art up until her retirement, and since then has been painting landscapes.
Alenka graduated in 1941 and became a painter. She was on vacation in Ljubljana when Germany attacked the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (6 April 1941). The Kingdom of Yugoslavia capitulated 17 days after Germany’s attack and this was a huge disappointment for Alenka. Ljubljana, situated in the Italian occupied zone, was the centre of the resistance movement and headquarters for Partisans. Following the arrest of her father in early 1944, she had to go into underground. After four months in hiding, she left Ljubljana and joined the partisans in the summer of 1944. She worked in the partisans print, with graphics, leaflets, posters and propaganda. She was active as a cultural worker and created scenes for several plays. Alenka married Vito Globočnik, also a Partisan, but lost him soon after the war due to illness. The most beautiful day in her life was the day she returned to a liberated Ljubljana, on 9th May 1945. Alenka worked as a teacher of art up until her retirement, and since then has been painting landscapes. -
Male, born on 4 July 1925 in Ponikve na Krasu, Slovenia. Already as a child, Ciril Zlobec, as a member of the Slovene minority in Italy, was subjugated to fascist denationalization procedures: he had to attend an Italian school and he was not permitted to speak Slovene in public. He wrote his first poem, expressing his Slovenian civil rights, at the age of 13. In 1941, Zlobec was expelled from the high school located in the small theological seminary in Koper, when he was caught writing poems in Slovene. He became an activist in the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation in 1942 and at the beginning of the following year he was mobilized to the special battalions (political confinement for young Primorje Slovenians). Upon the fall of Italy in September 1943, he returned home and joined the partisans. He was a fighter, a political delegate, a courier and an informer. He founded Slovene schools throughout the Karst area, he taught, and he gave lectures at the Partisan’s People’s University. Zlobec continued his studies in Ljubljana and graduated as a Slavic scholar. He then worked as a reporter and an editor. He is a poet, a writer and a translator. He served one mandate as the president of the Yugoslavian Writer’s Association. He was elected to the Presidency of the first independent Slovene state at the first multi-party elections in 1990. He is an ordinary member of the Slovene Academy for Arts and Sciences. He has published several collections of poems, two novels and five books of essays and journalisms. 18 of his books are translated into foreign languages. He has received several literary awards at home and abroad.
Male, born on 4 July 1925 in Ponikve na Krasu, Slovenia. Already as a child, Ciril Zlobec, as a member of the Slovene minority in Italy, was subjugated to fascist denationalization procedures: he had to attend an Italian school and he was not permitted to speak Slovene in public. He wrote his first poem, expressing his Slovenian civil rights, at the age of 13. In 1941, Zlobec was expelled from the high school located in the small theological seminary in Koper, when he was caught writing poems in Slovene. He became an activist in the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation in 1942 and at the beginning of the following year he was mobilized to the special battalions (political confinement for young Primorje Slovenians). Upon the fall of Italy in September 1943, he returned home and joined the partisans. He was a fighter, a political delegate, a courier and an informer. He founded Slovene schools throughout the Karst area, he taught, and he gave lectures at the Partisan’s People’s University. Zlobec continued his studies in Ljubljana and graduated as a Slavic scholar. He then worked as a reporter and an editor. He is a poet, a writer and a translator. He served one mandate as the president of the Yugoslavian Writer’s Association. He was elected to the Presidency of the first independent Slovene state at the first multi-party elections in 1990. He is an ordinary member of the Slovene Academy for Arts and Sciences. He has published several collections of poems, two novels and five books of essays and journalisms. 18 of his books are translated into foreign languages. He has received several literary awards at home and abroad.
Male, born on 4 July 1925 in Ponikve na Krasu, Slovenia. Already as a child, Ciril Zlobec, as a member of the Slovene minority in Italy, was subjugated to fascist denationalization procedures: he had to attend an Italian school and he was not permitted to speak Slovene in public. He wrote his first poem, expressing his Slovenian civil rights, at the age of 13. In 1941, Zlobec was expelled from the high school located in the small theological seminary in Koper, when he was caught writing poems in Slovene. He became an activist in the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation in 1942 and at the beginning of the following year he was mobilized to the special battalions (political confinement for young Primorje Slovenians). Upon the fall of Italy in September 1943, he returned home and joined the partisans. He was a fighter, a political delegate, a courier and an informer. He founded Slovene schools throughout the Karst area, he taught, and he gave lectures at the Partisan’s People’s University. Zlobec continued his studies in Ljubljana and graduated as a Slavic scholar. He then worked as a reporter and an editor. He is a poet, a writer and a translator. He served one mandate as the president of the Yugoslavian Writer’s Association. He was elected to the Presidency of the first independent Slovene state at the first multi-party elections in 1990. He is an ordinary member of the Slovene Academy for Arts and Sciences. He has published several collections of poems, two novels and five books of essays and journalisms. 18 of his books are translated into foreign languages. He has received several literary awards at home and abroad. -
Male, born on 19th of April, 1924 in Šentjanž (Rečici ob Savinji), Slovenia, Catholic. Prior to WWII, Ivan Srčnik was a member of the SKOJ, the association of young communists of Yugoslavia. Following the German occupation of Lower Styria, he was forcibly mobilized in the German Army in 1942 and sent to the Russian front. He was captured by the Red Army in Bakaleja. At the end of December 1943, he left the POW camp at Kolomina and, as a combatant of the Yugoslav battalion, headed towards Yugoslavia. He fought on the Yugoslav front as a member of the Yugoslav resistance movement up to the liberation.
Male, born on 19th of April, 1924 in Šentjanž (Rečici ob Savinji), Slovenia, Catholic. Prior to WWII, Ivan Srčnik was a member of the SKOJ, the association of young communists of Yugoslavia. Following the German occupation of Lower Styria, he was forcibly mobilized in the German Army in 1942 and sent to the Russian front. He was captured by the Red Army in Bakaleja. At the end of December 1943, he left the POW camp at Kolomina and, as a combatant of the Yugoslav battalion, headed towards Yugoslavia. He fought on the Yugoslav front as a member of the Yugoslav resistance movement up to the liberation.
Male, born on 19th of April, 1924 in Šentjanž (Rečici ob Savinji), Slovenia, Catholic. Prior to WWII, Ivan Srčnik was a member of the SKOJ, the association of young communists of Yugoslavia. Following the German occupation of Lower Styria, he was forcibly mobilized in the German Army in 1942 and sent to the Russian front. He was captured by the Red Army in Bakaleja. At the end of December 1943, he left the POW camp at Kolomina and, as a combatant of the Yugoslav battalion, headed towards Yugoslavia. He fought on the Yugoslav front as a member of the Yugoslav resistance movement up to the liberation. -
Lipej Kolenik wurde am 22. 9. 1925 in St. Margarethen bei Bleiburg/Šmarjeta pri Pliberku geboren. Den ersten Kontakt mit PartisanInnen bekam er im Frühjahr 1943, er war als Kurier tätig. Im August 1943 mußte er zur Wehrmacht, zunächst zur Ausbildung, recht bald wurde er jedoch nach Slowenien und gegen Ende 1943 an die italienische Front verlegt, wo er sich schwere Erfrierungen an den Füßen holte und dann in verschiedene Lazarette und Spitäler, zuletzt nach Klagenfurt, verlegt wurde. Anläßlich eines Besuchs am elterlichen Hof im August 1944 desertierte er zu den Partisanen, wo er in verschiedenen Einheiten aktiv war. Im März 1945 wurde er schwer verwundet und erlebte, in einem Bunker versteckt und kaum verarztet, die Befreiung. Nach Kriegsende war er arbeitslos, blieb politisch aktiv und wurde wiederholt verhaftet und interniert. Er ist Vorstandsmitglied des Kärntner Partisanenverbandes.
Lipej Kolenik wurde am 22. 9. 1925 in St. Margarethen bei Bleiburg/Šmarjeta pri Pliberku geboren. Den ersten Kontakt mit PartisanInnen bekam er im Frühjahr 1943, er war als Kurier tätig. Im August 1943 mußte er zur Wehrmacht, zunächst zur Ausbildung, recht bald wurde er jedoch nach Slowenien und gegen Ende 1943 an die italienische Front verlegt, wo er sich schwere Erfrierungen an den Füßen holte und dann in verschiedene Lazarette und Spitäler, zuletzt nach Klagenfurt, verlegt wurde. Anläßlich eines Besuchs am elterlichen Hof im August 1944 desertierte er zu den Partisanen, wo er in verschiedenen Einheiten aktiv war. Im März 1945 wurde er schwer verwundet und erlebte, in einem Bunker versteckt und kaum verarztet, die Befreiung. Nach Kriegsende war er arbeitslos, blieb politisch aktiv und wurde wiederholt verhaftet und interniert. Er ist Vorstandsmitglied des Kärntner Partisanenverbandes.
Lipej Kolenik was born on the 22.9.1925 in Margarethen near Bleiburg/Šmarjeta pri Pliberku. He had his first contact with partisans in spring 1943. He did courier jobs. In August 1943, he had to go to the Wehrmacht; firstly, to be trained, but soon he was transtered to Slovenia and in the end of 1943 to the Italian front. Here he got heavy frostbites on his feet and was moved to several military hospitals, in the end to Klagenfurt. On the occasion of a visit on the farm of his parents, he deserted to the partisans. He was active in various units. In March, he was severely wounded and witnessed the liberation hidden in a bunker, with hardly any medical support. After war he was unemployed and stayed politically active. He was repeatedly arrested and imprisoned. He is chairman of the Carinthian partisan association. -
Vincent grows up in the Communist working class, his father soon takes him along to different demonstrations. As soon as he can, he joins the Communist Youth Movement. After the defeat (la débâcle) in June 1940 he returns to Nanterre. Upon his return to Nanterre he participates in political actions, as the reproduction and distribution of leaflets and posters. He is part of the « Forces unies de la jeunesse patriotique (FUJP) », the United Forces of the Patriotic Youth, a youth movement of political and religious orientation. In 1942 he goes underground, as he refuses to leave for forced labour in Germany. The character of his activities change, he becomes part of the Francs-Tireurs et Particants (FTP) (snipers and participants) and is responsible for the safety of the comrades that have public appearances. As an FTP-FFI he is responsible for the safety of the Communist mayor, Raymond Barbet, during the liberation of Nanterre on August 21st, 1944 and then assists during the fall of the fortress Mont Valérien. Vincent is demobilised in June 1945. After the war he returns to Nanterre and takes up his former profession as a mechanic in the Simca factory. But he is fired in 1947. From 1954 to 1966 he is head of the department childhood and physical education. In 1966 he begins to work in the office of the Sports and Gymnastics Labor Federation (FSGT) until his retirement in 1980. Throughout this time he keeps up his activities as a local representative in the municipality.Today he is the president of the ANACR section in the Hauts-Seine department. He visits schools together with former deportees to relate his experience as a former resistance fighter.
Vincent grows up in the Communist working class, his father soon takes him along to different demonstrations. As soon as he can, he joins the Communist Youth Movement. After the defeat (la débâcle) in June 1940 he returns to Nanterre. Upon his return to Nanterre he participates in political actions, as the reproduction and distribution of leaflets and posters. He is part of the « Forces unies de la jeunesse patriotique (FUJP) », the United Forces of the Patriotic Youth, a youth movement of political and religious orientation. In 1942 he goes underground, as he refuses to leave for forced labour in Germany. The character of his activities change, he becomes part of the Francs-Tireurs et Particants (FTP) (snipers and participants) and is responsible for the safety of the comrades that have public appearances. As an FTP-FFI he is responsible for the safety of the Communist mayor, Raymond Barbet, during the liberation of Nanterre on August 21st, 1944 and then assists during the fall of the fortress Mont Valérien. Vincent is demobilised in June 1945. After the war he returns to Nanterre and takes up his former profession as a mechanic in the Simca factory. But he is fired in 1947. From 1954 to 1966 he is head of the department childhood and physical education. In 1966 he begins to work in the office of the Sports and Gymnastics Labor Federation (FSGT) until his retirement in 1980. Throughout this time he keeps up his activities as a local representative in the municipality.Today he is the president of the ANACR section in the Hauts-Seine department. He visits schools together with former deportees to relate his experience as a former resistance fighter.
Vincent grows up in the Communist working class, his father soon takes him along to different demonstrations. As soon as he can, he joins the Communist Youth Movement. After the defeat (la débâcle) in June 1940 he returns to Nanterre. Upon his return to Nanterre he participates in political actions, as the reproduction and distribution of leaflets and posters. He is part of the « Forces unies de la jeunesse patriotique (FUJP) », the United Forces of the Patriotic Youth, a youth movement of political and religious orientation. In 1942 he goes underground, as he refuses to leave for forced labour in Germany. The character of his activities change, he becomes part of the Francs-Tireurs et Particants (FTP) (snipers and participants) and is responsible for the safety of the comrades that have public appearances. As an FTP-FFI he is responsible for the safety of the Communist mayor, Raymond Barbet, during the liberation of Nanterre on August 21st, 1944 and then assists during the fall of the fortress Mont Valérien. Vincent is demobilised in June 1945. After the war he returns to Nanterre and takes up his former profession as a mechanic in the Simca factory. But he is fired in 1947. From 1954 to 1966 he is head of the department childhood and physical education. In 1966 he begins to work in the office of the Sports and Gymnastics Labor Federation (FSGT) until his retirement in 1980. Throughout this time he keeps up his activities as a local representative in the municipality.Today he is the president of the ANACR section in the Hauts-Seine department. He visits schools together with former deportees to relate his experience as a former resistance fighter. -
Carlo Porta was born in Gavasseto di Reggio Emilia on May 18, 1919, into a large family of farm workers who followed the socialist ideas of Camillo Prampolini. At the age of sixteen he was already an active member of the Socialist Party, taking part in the International Red Relief by collecting small amounts of money or goods for the Republican fighters in Spain. After being employed as a factory worker at Officine Meccaniche Reggiane, an engineering plant that manufactured armaments during Mussolini’s regime, in 1938 he is called up for military service. While in the Army, authorities find out about his antifascist militancy: he is arrested and imprisoned in Civitavecchia, Regina Coeli (Rome), Reggio Emilia and Castelfranco Emilia. Perfunctorily judged by the Special Tribunal for National Security, he is sentenced to three years’ confinement in the farming penal colony of Pisticci (Matera), in the region of Basilicata. While in confinement, he meets chief figures of the Italian Communist Party, whose teachings would contribute to mould his political beliefs. At the end of the three years of confinement he returns to Reggio Emilia, but a few months later he is called to the Army again and sent to Albania with the Italian occupation forces. He is in Albania on the 8th of September of 1943, the day of the Armistice: captured by the Germans, he is sent to internment camps in Germany in stock wagons. He reaches his first destination after sixteen days and is interned as a IMI (Italian Interned Soldier) in the marshalling camp of Neubrandenburg. His identification number was 108 481. He is freed only two years later, while in the Wickede camp, near Dortmund.
Carlo Porta was born in Gavasseto di Reggio Emilia on May 18, 1919, into a large family of farm workers who followed the socialist ideas of Camillo Prampolini. At the age of sixteen he was already an active member of the Socialist Party, taking part in the International Red Relief by collecting small amounts of money or goods for the Republican fighters in Spain. After being employed as a factory worker at Officine Meccaniche Reggiane, an engineering plant that manufactured armaments during Mussolini’s regime, in 1938 he is called up for military service. While in the Army, authorities find out about his antifascist militancy: he is arrested and imprisoned in Civitavecchia, Regina Coeli (Rome), Reggio Emilia and Castelfranco Emilia. Perfunctorily judged by the Special Tribunal for National Security, he is sentenced to three years’ confinement in the farming penal colony of Pisticci (Matera), in the region of Basilicata. While in confinement, he meets chief figures of the Italian Communist Party, whose teachings would contribute to mould his political beliefs. At the end of the three years of confinement he returns to Reggio Emilia, but a few months later he is called to the Army again and sent to Albania with the Italian occupation forces. He is in Albania on the 8th of September of 1943, the day of the Armistice: captured by the Germans, he is sent to internment camps in Germany in stock wagons. He reaches his first destination after sixteen days and is interned as a IMI (Italian Interned Soldier) in the marshalling camp of Neubrandenburg. His identification number was 108 481. He is freed only two years later, while in the Wickede camp, near Dortmund.
Carlo Porta was born in Gavasseto di Reggio Emilia on May 18, 1919, into a large family of farm workers who followed the socialist ideas of Camillo Prampolini. At the age of sixteen he was already an active member of the Socialist Party, taking part in the International Red Relief by collecting small amounts of money or goods for the Republican fighters in Spain. After being employed as a factory worker at Officine Meccaniche Reggiane, an engineering plant that manufactured armaments during Mussolini’s regime, in 1938 he is called up for military service. While in the Army, authorities find out about his antifascist militancy: he is arrested and imprisoned in Civitavecchia, Regina Coeli (Rome), Reggio Emilia and Castelfranco Emilia. Perfunctorily judged by the Special Tribunal for National Security, he is sentenced to three years’ confinement in the farming penal colony of Pisticci (Matera), in the region of Basilicata. While in confinement, he meets chief figures of the Italian Communist Party, whose teachings would contribute to mould his political beliefs. At the end of the three years of confinement he returns to Reggio Emilia, but a few months later he is called to the Army again and sent to Albania with the Italian occupation forces. He is in Albania on the 8th of September of 1943, the day of the Armistice: captured by the Germans, he is sent to internment camps in Germany in stock wagons. He reaches his first destination after sixteen days and is interned as a IMI (Italian Interned Soldier) in the marshalling camp of Neubrandenburg. His identification number was 108 481. He is freed only two years later, while in the Wickede camp, near Dortmund.