European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
Three or four days after September 8th, the air-raid warning went off.
Three or four days after September 8th, the air-raid warning went off.
Drei oder vier tage nach dem 8. September, heulten die Luftangriffssirenen los. -
We fled on our bicycles.
We fled on our bicycles.
Wir flohen auf unseren Fahrrädern. -
After a while we went back home, since we didn’t hear anything and the warning had stopped.
After a while we went back home, since we didn’t hear anything and the warning had stopped.
Nach einer Weile fuhren wir wieder nach Hause, da wir nichts hörten und die Warnung aufgehört hatte. -
As I arrived at the beginning of Dalmazia street, as we always fled towards Codemondo or the Canalina,
As I arrived at the beginning of Dalmazia street, as we always fled towards Codemondo or the Canalina,
Als wir am Anfang der Dalmazia Straße ankamen, wir flohen immer in Richtung Codemondo oder Canalina, -
the SS were standing in front of the houses.
the SS were standing in front of the houses.
standen die SS vor den Häusern. -
In front of my house there was a space we called the “palace”,
In front of my house there was a space we called the “palace”,
Vor meinen Haus, gab es einen Platz den wir "Palast" nannten, -
where we used to put tables and chairs in the summer.
where we used to put tables and chairs in the summer.
wo wir im Sommer immer Tische und Stühle hinstellten. -
As I got there, a German unit with a machine gun told me to stop.
As I got there, a German unit with a machine gun told me to stop.
Als ich dort ankam, forderte mich ein Deutscher mit Maschinengewehr auf, stehenzubleiben. -
I replied: “It’s my house!”
I replied: “It’s my house!”
Ich antwortete: "Es ist mein Haus!" -
The soldier just told me: “Halt, raus!”.
The soldier just told me: “Halt, raus!”.
Der Soldat sagte nur zu mir: "Halt, raus!". -
I didn’t understand any German, but “raus” meant go away, leave.
I didn’t understand any German, but “raus” meant go away, leave.
Ich verstand kein Deutsch, aber "raus" bedeutete, geh weg, verschwinde. -
I told him: “That’s my house; I have to fix dinner for my brothers”.
I told him: “That’s my house; I have to fix dinner for my brothers”.
Ich sagte ihm: "Das ist mein Haus; ich muss das Abendbrot für meine Brüder zubereiten". -
Again, he replied: “Raus, schnell, schnell!” and pointed the gun at me.
Again, he replied: “Raus, schnell, schnell!” and pointed the gun at me.
Wieder antwortete er: "Raus, schnell, schnell!" und richtete die Waffe auf mich. -
I quietly went back with my bicycle and met Maria, who had the same thing happening to her.
I quietly went back with my bicycle and met Maria, who had the same thing happening to her.
Ich ging ruhig zurück zu meinen Fahrrad und traf Maria, der das gleiche geschehen war. -
It’s not the fear of the gun,
It’s not the fear of the gun,
Es ist nicht die Angst vor der Waffe, -
it’s realizing that you’re absolutely nothing to them.
it’s realizing that you’re absolutely nothing to them.
es ist die Erkenntnis, dass du nichts für sie bist. -
These men in uniform, who looked like cockroaches,
These men in uniform, who looked like cockroaches,
Diese Männer in Uniform, die wie Kakerlaken aussahen, -
who spoke a language you didn’t know because they weren’t even from your own country,
who spoke a language you didn’t know because they weren’t even from your own country,
die eine Sprache sprachen, die du nicht kanntest, weil sie nicht mal aus deinem Land kamen, -
not only could keep you from going inside your home, but also had the power to kill you.
not only could keep you from going inside your home, but also had the power to kill you.
konnten dich nicht nur davon abhalten, in dein Heim zu gehen, sondern hatten auch die Macht, dich zu töten. -
You were nothing to them; you were less than a bug.
You were nothing to them; you were less than a bug.
Du warst nichts für sie, du warst weniger als ein Insekt.