European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
“Lidia, you’re doing the right thing because it’s important,
but you must remember that your life is going to change after this”.
I wasn’t thinking about this at 7 in the morning,
about my life being different at noon,
but my life did change, I felt more responsible… I felt like this even before,
I had been responsible in all the things I had done.
But after this it was different, responsibilities were different, and everything changed.
I was still Lidia, but let’s say I had a very positive experience
and I also felt proud for doing this.
A bus was coming down from San Polo and we stopped it, telling them there was a strike, that they had to go back.
Some soldiers were on the bus, we got them off and disarmed them:
they gave us their weapons without resisting and didn’t get back on the bus.
They began to walk, maybe they were heading home.
This didn’t cause any trouble.
Then a fascist who had been evacuated to Montecavolo came out of a house
(we were in the main road, by the square, with the strike, our posters, etc.)
He started shooting with a machine-gun, into the air at first.
I think he also had a gun.
Many of us ran after him. We finally caught him and disarmed him.
We didn’t really hurt him, let’s say that nobody did anything that would have got him killed.
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