European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
He started shooting with a machine-gun, into the air at first.
I think he also had a gun.
Many of us ran after him. We finally caught him and disarmed him.
We didn’t really hurt him, let’s say that nobody did anything that would have got him killed.
Somebody might have kicked him, but everything was ok.
The strike was over, we kept the weapons and sent them to the mountains and broke up the strike.
In noon, in Montecavolo there was already a curfew, people couldn’t go out of their homes.
We were already at home,
since we were on our bicycles, and there were about 3 or 4 km between Montecavolo and Scampate.
Beginning of the clandestine work
From the 8th of September I began to know where the comrades were,
in order to go and warn them that they were going to be arrested again.
For example, Felice from Puianello, they sent somebody for me to go inform Alfeo Viani
that they were already on the list of those who would be arrested again.
Also Didoni, from Scampate, more or less all of them.
I would go and warn these comrades,
then they all met in Scampate at Chicco’s, at Castellani’s home.
I didn’t really attend the meetings.
They did call me there,
but they met to assign various functions, since they were all “leaders”.
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