European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
I already had connection to the partisans.
In August I received the call-up to the army.
I said: “What shall we do?”
They wanted me to enlist but my mother was against it. Mother was frightened:
“They will destroy everything and burn our house down” and cried.
But I thought that the families would not have to pay so much.
So I enlisted in Klagenfurt. From above we might get a contact.
When I was in Klagenfurt, you know how it is with the military – today like this, tomorrow like that.
From Klagenfurt to Salzburg; from Salzburg to Lienz, East Tyrol.
Then to Italy via Venice, Rome up to … near Monte Cassino.
Then we were sent to the front.
There I was wounded, had a first and second-degree frostbite
and because of that I got into the military hospital in South Italy, in Sora.
From there to Venice, then to Merano.
Then back to Germany, Black Forest, Solingen – there was a hospital.
Afterwards I always thought:
Well, I have to get out.
I made an application to be moved to the military hospital in Klagenfurt.
They allowed it.
On the first day in Klagenfurt, my mother came to see me.
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