European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
On the first day in Klagenfurt, my mother came to see me.
She told me that the partisans said:
“Come and join us soon, we are waiting for you!”
After 14 days the medical consultant of the hospital said:
“I will grant you a holiday although I know 100% that you will never come back.”
My answer was: “I will come back, where else should I go?”
I was with walking sticks, I couldn’t go anywhere.
It is just a shame that I didn’t go back to that doctor after the war.
Then I could have reported: “Mr. Consultant, I am back.”
Who supported the partisans?
Well, there were only few that weren’t with the partisans.
In the town there were more.
Bleiburg is a known town and Carinthia was a Nazi stronghold,
but the population outside was of different opinion.
There were only few and they did not report us to the police –
kept quiet and did not keep in touch with us.
But only about 10 % weren’t with us.
First contact with partisans
We had already heard in 1942 that partisans were staying in our area.
But the first contact was at Easter 1943
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