European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
I don't know anything else to say about ...
I don't know anything else to say about ...
There was a family in Reggio who was often with my uncles in the house
There was a family in Reggio who was often with my uncles in the house
where I used to go collect information, and one day the father said they had to leave.
where I used to go collect information, and one day the father said they had to leave.
They had a furniture store. I think they closed it and decided they had to go away.
They had a furniture store. I think they closed it and decided they had to go away.
At the time I didn’t know or understand why they fled like that.
At the time I didn’t know or understand why they fled like that.
We didn’t talk about it, especially in Marola, in the mountains,
We didn’t talk about it, especially in Marola, in the mountains,
although I would often come to Reggio, since my mother was born in Reggio, in via Emilia San Pietro.
although I would often come to Reggio, since my mother was born in Reggio, in via Emilia San Pietro.
Introduction, family, work
Introduction, family, work
My father was a foundling, who was adopted by my grandfather, Carlo Zebenini, when he was just a baby.
My father was a foundling, who was adopted by my grandfather, Carlo Zebenini, when he was just a baby.
My father’s name was Reino Quadreri.
My father’s name was Reino Quadreri.
My mother was born in Reggio, her name was Valentina Paterni.
My mother was born in Reggio, her name was Valentina Paterni.
Should I go on? Then, there was my brother Gastone, who was born in 1917, and Giulio, born in 1925.
Should I go on? Then, there was my brother Gastone, who was born in 1917, and Giulio, born in 1925.
My sister Laura was born in 1926, then it was my turn in 1928.
My sister Laura was born in 1926, then it was my turn in 1928.
Finally, Aldo in 1931 and Renzo in 1933.Finally, Aldo in 1931 and Renzo in 1933.
Luckily my mother was a dressmaker.
Luckily my mother was a dressmaker.
We had a house and some land, however, with such a large family, my father had to work as a labourer.
We had a house and some land, however, with such a large family, my father had to work as a labourer.
We didn’t have anything even before the war, then everything got even worse.
We didn’t have anything even before the war, then everything got even worse.
My brothers only attended school until the third grade, which was all that Marola offered.
My brothers only attended school until the third grade, which was all that Marola offered.
I was the only one who went on to the fifth grade, but in order to do so I had to go to Carpineti.
I was the only one who went on to the fifth grade, but in order to do so I had to go to Carpineti.
We stayed at home; my brothers worked occasionally, often as farm-hands for other families.
We stayed at home; my brothers worked occasionally, often as farm-hands for other families.