European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
It was risky, but we took risks every day.
It was risky, but we took risks every day.
The young man is on that picture I showed you, along with Louis Meunier and me.
The young man is on that picture I showed you, along with Louis Meunier and me.
He joined a ‘maquis’. To our great regret we never found out what happened to him.
He joined a ‘maquis’. To our great regret we never found out what happened to him.
We had the possibility to help him escape, so we did.
We had the possibility to help him escape, so we did.
Organization, structure, persecution
Organization, structure, persecution
In the beginning, we all knew each other.
In the beginning, we all knew each other.
When the first people were arrested we realized we needed a new form of organization.
When the first people were arrested we realized we needed a new form of organization.
This was not specific for Nanterre. We were not used to working or organizing ourselves undercover.
This was not specific for Nanterre. We were not used to working or organizing ourselves undercover.
The instructions we got from the Communist Youth or from the Communist Party were to organize in triangles.
The instructions we got from the Communist Youth or from the Communist Party were to organize in triangles.
We were to get together in groups of three comrades.
We were to get together in groups of three comrades.
In case of an arrest we could only give away two names under torture.
In case of an arrest we could only give away two names under torture.
One out of the three was responsible.
One out of the three was responsible.
We formed a sort of spider web, with these triangles, on all levels of the organization.
We formed a sort of spider web, with these triangles, on all levels of the organization.
That was the structure of the clandestine organization of the Communist Party, which then applied to the French snipers and partisans.
That was the structure of the clandestine organization of the Communist Party, which then applied to the French snipers and partisans.
We structured ourselves by regions and sectors.
We structured ourselves by regions and sectors.
The regions were numbered (I was in region 7) and then there were the sectors.
The regions were numbered (I was in region 7) and then there were the sectors.
Our sector comprised three or four municipalities around Nanterre.
Our sector comprised three or four municipalities around Nanterre.
One of our comrades had a big garage at his parent’s house.
One of our comrades had a big garage at his parent’s house.
There was a little pavilion where we installed our material.There was a little pavilion where we installed our material.
With our manual duplicator, we produced leaflets.
With our manual duplicator, we produced leaflets.