European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
warrants for the arrest of a renowned Partisan of the time, Janko Premrl – Vojko.
Later he fell in action and was designated a national hero.
A financial reward was offered to anyone who would turn him over, dead or alive, to the Italian military authorities.
Despite the large sum posed, especially for the conditions at the time,
no-one was tempted to betrayal or the mediation of information,
which might bring about the arrest or the mere identification of his whereabouts or doings.
Vojko, that is, Janko Premrl became a legendary hero in our eyes.
We attributed to him various activities, which he never even did, nor could he have done.
We said he’d been to Venice, Rome and atop Nanos all at the same time – like a miracle man.
Although we knew it was impossible, it was what we thirsted for.
In the beginning the Partisans were just a small band, but we made their strength out to be that of an entire troop.
These were the dreamy visions of the resistance.
But of course, anti-fascism was present in the Primorje region already prior to the war.
Decision to join the partisan forces
By 1941 I was ready. And not only I.
The entire Primorje region was ready to fight against fascism.
Of course, anti-fascism was not the only rage in the Slovenian territory. There was also the National Liberation Movement.
The Slovenes in the Slovenian Primorje region sensed a chance through the liberation movement, through WWII.
We were always confident that the Allied forces would conquer the nazi-fascists.
By taking part in the resistance we were faced with an historical opportunity
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