European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
and we were mistreated, as well, by blows with the rifle-butts of the SA.
After that we had to climb over a drill wall which is 2 metres high.
Some could not get over;
there were older ones, who had been imprisoned for years.
They did not have enough breath left.
“Volunteers, step forward”, and us younger ones went over.
Prison Luckau, work, imprisonment
I think we had to walk in chains from the station through Luckau.
Behind us the gates were closed.
When we were dressed in the jail clothes our private belongings were all taken away.
We were put into a prison cell,
about 2x4 metres in size, with three men.
That was where we had to live for the next months and years.
The Luckau prison was overcrowded.
There were three men in a solitary cell.
We were isolated. We only got out of the cell in our release time, for half an hour.
We had to keep distance to the others and were not allowed to talk.
There was one bed under the window, the other bed was tipped up on the wall
and the third man had to lie on the floor on mattresses.
We even had to relieve ourselves in the cell.
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