European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
in our striped uniforms and some had a friendly word for us, in German, which we had to learn.
I always said that one should not mix up the SS and the Germans we met at work.
The SS made a choice. They opted for the regime, the system.
Three, four years after coming back I was talking to some friends who said:
“We are going to Germany, to meet some people. But of course we won’t ask you to come along.”
I said: “Why won’t you ask me to go with you? Are you afraid that I will say that all Germans are fascists?
Not way. If you want me to, I will come along. I promise I will behave correctly towards the Germans we meet.
That won’t stop me from saying what happened in the camps.
But I will not say THE Germans.”
Activity as eyewitness; message
I was invited as a witness to a school.
I had a teacher friend and as we talked he said:
“You should come talk in schools, otherwise it will be forgotten history.”
I agreed, but hadn’t really thought about what that meant.
So I went.
It was difficult.
When you are with 30 students, it is very difficult to talk about all these things:
about the arrival of Jewish or Gypsy convoys, the children, sometimes babies in their mothers arms.
I wondered if one should talk about it or rather not talk about it.
I decided to talk about what National Socialism had done,
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