European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
This meant that each member knew only about two others and nothing else.
We all knew that those who were captured were being tortured in Villa Cucchi.
Just as they did with Paolo Davoli and Tina from Cavriago or Rosellina.
The GAP and Zanti, whose battle name was Maurizio, had decided to take this measure.
We initially had groups of three,
then with time more groups were forming and we met and carryied out joint actions.
GAPs weren't all the same.
They weren’t all communist.
My small group and I were.
Introduction and family; 8th September 1943; escape from captivity
My name is Pierino Beggi, battle name “Gigi”.
I was born in Reggio Emilia.
Until I was twenty years old, I lived where the Biasola Park is today.
My father was a farmer and worked on the farm that was once there.
We grew up working the land with him, until we were called into the army when we were around twenty.
I spent three years in Turin with the Engineer Corps
and then we were transferred to Bardonecchia where we stayed another three years.
On the 8th of September 1943,
General Vercellino ordered us to mine the Frejus tunnel,
since the Germans were coming through with tanks and army crews loaded on freight trains.
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