European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
That famous Zanti who was shot at the Zucchi barracks.
The party had given her that duty; she was organized and already had contacts in Modena,
and she did move weapons around, together with my sister-in-law Iside Viani.
We went there and I found an agreement with her.
In the morning we went by my house, while nobody was there, because they were all meeting in a cattle-shed.
I picked up my bicycle and went back to San Bartolomeo, because I didn’t dare staying there, if somebody betrayed me.
So I left in the morning, I went to pick Zanti up and we went to Modena by bicycle.
She took me to Alfeo Corassoli,
where I met the famous lawyer Poppi,
and that’s when I started to be involved in the authentic partisan struggle.
I was like a sister to the partisans.
They all loved me and respected me.
It was amazing.
Staying with a family of peasants living in Saliceto San Giuliano, where I stayed 5 or 6 months, I felt like I was at home.
They didn’t even know where I was from.
They thought I was coming from the mountains near Bologna.
Only after the war did they find out that I came from Reggio.
Military actions
We had drawn together most of our forces in the lowlands around Reggio, around Limiti, Soliera, Carpi.
All the houses were with us.
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