European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
But everyone around me already knew that Rasica was burning. That the Germans were burning it.
That they had rounded up and taken all the male population away.
That moment I said to myself I can’t just do nothing.
I didn’t want to overestimate my own powers, after all I was young and I wasn’t expecting that I’d be able to do much.
But considering what I’d read by Tolstoy, I knew that basically every historical action
is the result of the actions of many perhaps completely insignificant people,
who together can achieve something historically significant.
So I decided that I can’t let myself just stand aside.
So I went straight to the telephone – there weren’t many at the time, but we had one in our home –
and called my friends, who I’d heard whispering stuff. I had sensed it had something to do with the occupier.
I said I wanted to get ‘in’, that I also wanted to do whatever they knew about. The very next day I was called to my first meeting.
For many years I also taught drawing at various schools,
but now in my old age I have dedicated myself entirely to my primary vocation – painting.
I’m 87 years old. My generation experienced WWII.
Experienced massive changes during the war and then after the war as well.
I must say that we imagined a different world after WWII. A different world would arise than the one we live in now.
But one just has to adjust one’s expectations to what is going on in society.
At the time I was very active in Ljubljana and a lot was going on in Ljubljana.
The walls were plastered with lists of hostages
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