European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
"If you want to come out on patrol with us, otherwise you can wait here".
We said: "No, we want to come". So we did, one group here, one group there.
When we came back we went to this barn,
which was transformed into a hideout,
and there were butter and cheese and a lot of great stuff.
One woman was making tagliatelle for the whole team.
Wonderful! We were not even used to eat this dish at our own homes!
After lunch, when we came back, the head of our team told us:
"Go to the houses where the ladies are and invite them here so we can dance and have a chat".
And so we did, and some girls came and we chatted and danced.
We had radios so we had a fine time.
For 4-5 days everything went fine:
we went out on patrol and came back around noon.
One day our corporal asked us if we were fine.
I told him I was perfectly fine
but my friend Pancio, who was sitting next to me, said:
"No, if I find Communist partisans I will join them."
I asked him what he was saying. And Pancio repeated that he would join Communist partisans.
I hit him with the elbow and then we went home
and later the corporal went to talk to our boss, telling him our intentions.
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