European Resistance Archive/European Resistance Archive (ERA)
the “father” of all the poor illiterate peasants.
I was an apprentice upholsterer,
an artisan, I was making sofas, armchairs and matrasses.
Fascists? I rather remember them as assholes more than as fascists.
As a young guy, I was a member of the Young Fascists
and my friend, a foreman, asked me:
“Why didn't you come to the demonstration?”
Since we were old friends, I told him I had stayed in bed, since I was better off there.
That stupid guy went to report me to the fascists
and they gave me castor oil and beat me up in 1939.
I went to the Army, I stayed away five years
without talking to him, then a common friend came up to me and said
“Look, that guy … “ and I told him that I didn't even want to see that stupid guy.
I didn't want to react, we even remained sort of friends,
but I remember there were two or three older men with clubs,
and I was weighing about 40 kilos by then,
I mean, being beaten up was not funny.
See, this is why I never wanted to see the fascists,
I'm “glad” they gave me 42 months of war to do. I never liked them.
Conclusion: against war and fascism
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