Cannot create the data directory at temporary location "%1". Please make sure that you have sufficient permissions to save to that location and try again. Alternatively try saving as pcl format.
Cannot create the data directory at temporary location "%1". Please make sure that you have sufficient permissions to save to that location and try again. Alternatively try saving as pcl format.
Az adatkönyvtár nem hozható létre az ideiglenes útvonalon: "%1". Ellenőrizze, hogy rendelkezik-e a szükséges jogosultságokkal az adott helyre történő mentéshez és próbálja újra. Esetleg próbájon pcl formátumban menteni.
Premium plan.
Translation History shows you the different versions of the translations that were saved. It also lets you revert to an older version of a translation.
Translation History isn’t available on your plan.
Upgrade to the Translation History shows you the different versions of the translations that were saved. It also lets you revert to an older version of a translation.
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