The owner of this Wi-Fi network signed up for wifis.org to give you the chance to get in touch with them. You might want to ask for shared internet access or just say "hello". Either way, please be kind. Your neighbor will thank you.
The owner of this Wi-Fi network signed up for wifis.org to give you the chance to get in touch with them. You might want to ask for shared internet access or just say "hello". Either way, please be kind. Your neighbor will thank you.
Tuan milik rangkaian Wi-Fi telah mendaftar dengan wifis.org untuk membuka peluang kepada anda untuk berhubung dengan beliau. Kamu mungkin sahaja boleh menanya untuk berkongsi akses internet atau hanya mengirim salam padanya. Ataupun sekadar beramah mesra. Jiran anda akan merasa kasihnya anda.Parent Translation in en - English:The owner of this Wi-Fi network signed up for wifis.org to give you the chance to get in touch with them. You might want to ask for shared internet access or just say "hello". Either way, please be kind. Your neighbor will thank you.
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