
  1. The feature checks if a trading partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.
    The feature checks if a trading partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.

    The feature checks if a trading partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.

    changed by Tristan Milla .
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  2. 此功能检查Steam上的交易伙伴是否是官方Skinport bot,以确认其真实性。
    此功能检查Steam上的交易伙伴是否是官方Skinport bot以确认其真实性
    changed via the API .
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  3. This feature checks if a trade partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.
    This feature checks if a trade partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.

    This feature checks if a trade partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.

    changed by Tim Cheung .
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  4. 此功能检查Steam上的交易伙伴是否是官方Skinport bot,以确认其真实性。
    此功能检查Steam上的交易伙伴是否是官方Skinport bot以确认其真实性
    changed by Tim Cheung .
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    The source text was changed so this translation was automatically flagged as to verify.