23 Apr from 12:15pm to 12:48pm
Yhoga Heru Pratama changed 53 translations in Indonesian on Manager. Hide changes
  1. Aktiva
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Aset
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aktiva Bersih
    Aktiva Bersih
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Aset Bersih
    Aset Bersih
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Surel
    changed by Khairfathul .
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  2. Surat Elektronik
    Surat Elektronik
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Alamat Surel
    Alamat Surel
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Alamat Surat Elektronik
    Alamat Surat Elektronik
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Akun Kas Baru
    Akun Kas Baru
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Buat Akun Kas Baru
    Buat Akun Kas Baru
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Buat Faktur Pembelian
    Buat Faktur Pembelian
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Buat Faktur Pembelian Baru
    Buat Faktur Pembelian Baru
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Buat Faktur Penjualan
    Buat Faktur Penjualan
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Buat Faktur Penjualan Baru
    Buat Faktur Penjualan Baru
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aktiva Tetap
    Aktiva Tetap
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Aset Tetap
    Aset Tetap
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Penghapusan Aktiva Tetap
    Penghapusan Aktiva Tetap
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Penghapusan AsetTetap
    Penghapusan AsetTetap
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Penghapusan AsetTetap
    Penghapusan AsetTetap
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  2. Penghapusan Aset Tetap
    Penghapusan Aset Tetap
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Penyusutan Aktiva Tetap
    Penyusutan Aktiva Tetap
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Penyusutan Aset Tetap
    Penyusutan Aset Tetap
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aktiva Tetap, Akumulasi Penyusutan
    Aktiva Tetap, Akumulasi Penyusutan
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Aset Tetap, Akumulasi Penyusutan
    Aset Tetap, Akumulasi Penyusutan
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Ringkasan Aktiva Tetap
    Ringkasan Aktiva Tetap
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Ringkasan Aset Tetap
    Ringkasan Aset Tetap
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Penghapusan Aktiva Tetap
    Penghapusan Aktiva Tetap
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Penghapusan Aset Tetap
    Penghapusan Aset Tetap
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Beban Pembelian
    Beban Pembelian
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Biaya Pembelian
    Biaya Pembelian
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Pembagian laba
    Pembagian laba
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Pembagian Laba
    Pembagian Laba
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aktiva tetap tak berwujud
    Aktiva tetap tak berwujud
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Aset Tetap Tak Berwujud
    Aset Tetap Tak Berwujud
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aktiva tetap - penyusutan
    Aktiva tetap - penyusutan
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Aset Tetap - Penyusutan
    Aset Tetap - Penyusutan
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Denda keterlambatan pembayaran
    Denda keterlambatan pembayaran
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Denda Keterlambatan Pembayaran
    Denda Keterlambatan Pembayaran
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aktiva Tak Berwujud - Amortisasi
    Aktiva Tak Berwujud - Amortisasi
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Aset Tak Berwujud - Amortisasi
    Aset Tak Berwujud - Amortisasi
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aktiva tak berwujud
    Aktiva tak berwujud
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Aset tak berwujud
    Aset tak berwujud
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aktiva tak berwujud - amortisasi
    Aktiva tak berwujud - amortisasi
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Aset tak berwujud - amortisasi
    Aset tak berwujud - amortisasi
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aktiva Tetap
    Aktiva Tetap
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Aset Tetap
    Aset Tetap
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aktiva tetap tak berwujud
    Aktiva tetap tak berwujud
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Aset tetap tak berwujud
    Aset tetap tak berwujud
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aset tetap tak berwujud
    Aset tetap tak berwujud
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  2. Aset Tetap Tak Berwujud
    Aset Tetap Tak Berwujud
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Mata uang
    Mata uang
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Mata Uang
    Mata Uang
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Saldo riil
    Saldo riil
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Saldo Riil
    Saldo Riil
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Transaksi sesuai
    Transaksi sesuai
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Transaksi Sesuai
    Transaksi Sesuai
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Belum terfaktur
    Belum terfaktur
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Belum Terfaktur
    Belum Terfaktur
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Sudah terfaktur
    Sudah terfaktur
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Sudah Terfaktur
    Sudah Terfaktur
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Uang muka
    Uang muka
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Uang Muka
    Uang Muka
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Jumlah yang harus dibayar
    Jumlah yang harus dibayar
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Jumlah Yang Harus Dibayar
    Jumlah Yang Harus Dibayar
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Akun modal baru
    Akun modal baru
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Buat Akun Modal Baru
    Buat Akun Modal Baru
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Pagu kredit
    Pagu kredit
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Pagu Kredit
    Pagu Kredit
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Kredit tersedia
    Kredit tersedia
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Kredit Tersedia
    Kredit Tersedia
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Input amortisasi baru
    Input amortisasi baru
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Input Amortisasi Baru
    Input Amortisasi Baru
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Aktiva tak berwujud - terhapus
    Aktiva tak berwujud - terhapus
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Aset Tak Berwujud - Terhapus
    Aset Tak Berwujud - Terhapus
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Akumulasi amortisasi
    Akumulasi amortisasi
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Akumulasi Amortisasi
    Akumulasi Amortisasi
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Jenis barang
    Jenis barang
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Jenis Barang
    Jenis Barang
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Kode jenis barang
    Kode jenis barang
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Kode Jenis Barang
    Kode Jenis Barang
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Penghapusan baru
    Penghapusan baru
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Buat Penghapusan Baru
    Buat Penghapusan Baru
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Barang jadi
    Barang jadi
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Barang Jadi
    Barang Jadi
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Total pengurangan
    Total pengurangan
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Total Pengurangan
    Total Pengurangan
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
    Copy to clipboard
  1. Iuran karyawan
    Iuran karyawan
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Iuran Karyawan
    Iuran Karyawan
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Gaji bersih, Upah bersih
    Gaji bersih, 
    Upah bersih
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Gaji Bersih/Upah bersih
    Gaji Bersih/Upah bersih
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Total iuran
    Total iuran
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Total Iuran
    Total Iuran
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Pembulatan terdekat
    Pembulatan terdekat
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Pembulatan Terdekat
    Pembulatan Terdekat
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Pembulatan kebawah
    Pembulatan kebawah
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Pembulatan Kebawah
    Pembulatan Kebawah
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Jangan tagih ekstra
    Jangan tagih ekstra
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Jangan Tagih Ekstra
    Jangan Tagih Ekstra
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Tagih per bulan
    Tagih per bulan
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Tagih per Bulan
    Tagih per Bulan
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Buatan sendiri
    Buatan sendiri
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
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  2. Buatan Sendiri
    Buatan Sendiri
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Tentukan periode
    Tentukan periode
    changed by Reyjamin .
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  2. Tentukan Periode
    Tentukan Periode
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
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  1. Tidak sesuai
    Tidak sesuai
    changed by Stanisk3101 .
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Tidak Sesuai
    Tidak Sesuai
    changed by Yhoga Heru Pratama .
    Copy to clipboard
23 Apr from 12:15pm to 12:48pm