07 Jul from 8:59pm to 9:01pm
braun-wzm changed 3 translations in German on Manager. Hide changes
  1. Position
    changed by Josef Brunner .
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  2. Artikel
    changed by braun-wzm .
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  1. Vorlagen
    changed by braun-wzm .
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  2. Formulare und Vorlagen
    Formulare und Vorlagen
    changed by braun-wzm .
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  1. Neue Vorlage
    Neue Vorlage
    changed by Josef Brunner .
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  2. Neues Formular oder Vorlage
    Neues Formular oder Vorlage
    changed by braun-wzm .
    Copy to clipboard
07 Jul from 8:59pm to 9:01pm