22 May from 7:55am to 7:58am
7island changed 5 translations in Swedish on Manager. Hide changes
  1. Restbelopp
    changed by Dalco .
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  2. Rest belopp
    Rest belopp
    changed by 7island .
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  1. Faktureringsadress
    changed by Lubos Hasko .
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  2. Fakturerings adress
    Fakturerings adress
    changed by 7island .
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  1. Journalposter
    changed by Dalco .
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  2. Journal poster
    Journal poster
    changed by 7island .
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  1. Nettotillgångar
    changed by Dalco .
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  2. Netto tillgångar
    Netto tillgångar
    changed by 7island .
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  1. Momssammanfattning
    changed by Dalco .
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  2. Moms sammanfattning
    Moms sammanfattning
    changed by 7island .
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22 May from 7:55am to 7:58am