11 Mar from 12:33am to 12:51am
Diego Represas changed 19 translations in Spanish on Manager. Hide changes
  1. Pagables Antíguos
    Pagables Antíguos
    changed by Jf150552 .
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  2. Deudas Antíguas
    Deudas Antíguas
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Recibibles Antíguos
    Recibibles Antíguos
    changed by Jf150552 .
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  2. Cuentas por cobrar
    Cuentas por cobrar
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Deudas Antíguas
    Deudas Antíguas
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  2. Deudad por pagar
    Deudad por pagar
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Deudad por pagar
    Deudad por pagar
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  2. Deudas por pagar
    Deudas por pagar
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Dinero Entrante
    Dinero Entrante
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  2. Ingresos
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Dinero Saliente
    Dinero Saliente
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  2. Pagos
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Ingresos
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  2. Dinero Entrante
    Dinero Entrante
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Pagos
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  2. Dinero Saliente
    Dinero Saliente
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Vencimientos de hoy
    Vencimientos de hoy
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  2. Vence hoy
    Vence hoy
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Vencimientos de mañana
    Vencimientos de mañana
    changed by Jf150552 .
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  2. Vence mañana
    Vence mañana
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Primer nombre
    Primer nombre
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  2. Nombre
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Entradas Periódicas
    Entradas Periódicas
    changed by Jf150552 .
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  2. Entradas del diario
    Entradas del diario
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Nueva entrada periódica
    Nueva entrada periódica
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  2. Nueva entrada en el diario
    Nueva entrada en el diario
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Tasa
    changed by Jf150552 .
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  2. Porcentaje
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. a
    changed by Jf150552 .
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  2. A
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Gráfico de Cuentas
    Gráfico de Cuentas
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  2. Plan de Cuentas
    Plan de Cuentas
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Reconciliación de Cuenta
    Reconciliación de Cuenta
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  2. Reconciliación de Cuentas
    Reconciliación de Cuentas
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Saldo de Cierre
    Saldo de Cierre
    changed by Jf150552 .
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  2. Balance de cierre
    Balance de cierre
    changed by Diego Represas .
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  1. Registro de Saldo
    Registro de Saldo
    changed by Jf150552 .
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  2. Registro del balance
    Registro del balance
    changed by Diego Represas .
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11 Mar from 12:33am to 12:51am