21 Feb from 8:00pm to 9:01pm
Quim Gual changed 194 translations in Catalan on
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Balanç general
Balanç general
changed by
Quim Gual .
Estat de resultats
Estat de resultats
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Comptes per pagar
Comptes per pagar
changed by
Quim Gual .
Comptes per cobrar
Comptes per cobrar
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Quantitat pagada
Quantitat pagada
changed by
Quim Gual .
Quantitat rebuda
Quantitat rebuda
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Saldo vençut
Saldo vençut
changed by
Quim Gual .
Adreça de facturació
Adreça de facturació
changed by
Quim Gual .
Proper Venciment
Proper Venciment
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Data de venciment
Data de venciment
changed by
Quim Gual .
Venç en {0} dies
Venç en {0} dies
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Llibre major
Llibre major
changed by
Quim Gual .
Factura de venda
Factura de venda
changed by
Quim Gual .
Ingressos del diari
Ingressos del diari
changed by
Quim Gual .
Iniciar la sessió
Iniciar la sessió
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Utilitat neta (pèrdua)
Utilitat neta (pèrdua)
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Sense data de venciment
Sense data de venciment
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Pagat per complert
Pagat per complert
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Venciment de pagament
Venciment de pagament
changed by
Quim Gual .
Carta de pagament
Carta de pagament
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Total patrimonial
Total patrimonial
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
1-30 dies vençut
1-30 dies vençut
changed by
Quim Gual .
31-60 dies vençut
31-60 dies vençut
changed by
Quim Gual .
61-90 dies vençut
61-90 dies vençut
changed by
Quim Gual .
Més de 90 dies vençut
Més de 90 dies vençut
changed by
Quim Gual .
{0} dies vençut
{0} dies vençut
changed by
Quim Gual .
Tancar la sessió
Tancar la sessió
changed by
Quim Gual .
Pla de comptes
Pla de comptes
changed by
Quim Gual .
Resum d'impostos
Resum d'impostos
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Balanç de tancament
Balanç de tancament
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Per el període del {0} fins {1}
Per el període del {0} fins {1}
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Total crèdits
Total crèdits
changed by
Quim Gual .
Total dèbits
Total dèbits
changed by
Quim Gual .
Moviment net
Moviment net
changed by
Quim Gual .
Saldo inicial
Saldo inicial
changed by
Quim Gual .
Deutes fiscals
Deutes fiscals
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
El saldo venç el {0}
El saldo venç el {0}
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Pagat en excés
Pagat en excés
changed by
Quim Gual .
Data d'emissió
Data d'emissió
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Factures de vendes
Factures de vendes
changed by
Quim Gual .
Factures de compres
Factures de compres
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Resum del llibre major
Resum del llibre major
changed by
Quim Gual .
Factures de compres
Factures de compres
changed by
Quim Gual .
Escull arxiu de l'ordinador
Escull arxiu de l'ordinador
changed by
Quim Gual .
Base d'efectiu
Base d'efectiu
changed by
Quim Gual .
Base acumulativa
Base acumulativa
changed by
Quim Gual .
Assentament comptable
Assentament comptable
changed by
Quim Gual .
Sense classificar
Sense classificar
changed by
Quim Gual .
Resultats acumulats
Resultats acumulats
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Mètode comptabilitat
Mètode comptabilitat
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Afefir negoci
Afefir negoci
changed by
Quim Gual .
Eliminar negoci
Eliminar negoci
changed by
Quim Gual .
Nom comercial
Nom comercial
changed by
Quim Gual .
Informació addicional
Informació addicional
changed by
Quim Gual .
Informació interna
Informació interna
changed by
Quim Gual .
Comptes per cobrar
Comptes per cobrar
changed by
Quim Gual .
Comptes per pagar
Comptes per pagar
changed by
Quim Gual .
Balanç de prova
Balanç de prova
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Interesos rebuts
Interesos rebuts
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Diners a la caixa
Diners a la caixa
changed by
Quim Gual .
Diners al compte corrent
Diners al compte corrent
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Despeses de comptabilitat
Despeses de comptabilitat
changed by
Quim Gual .
Publicitat i promocions
Publicitat i promocions
changed by
Quim Gual .
Despeses bancàries
Despeses bancàries
changed by
Quim Gual .
Equips informàtics
Equips informàtics
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Despeses legals
Despeses legals
changed by
Quim Gual .
Despeses de vehicles
Despeses de vehicles
changed by
Quim Gual .
Impremta i papereria
Impremta i papereria
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Reparacions i manteniment
Reparacions i manteniment
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Caixa petita
Caixa petita
changed by
Quim Gual .
Canviar el nom
Canviar el nom
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Preu unitari
Preu unitari
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Compte bancari
Compte bancari
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Correu electrònic
Correu electrònic
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Es necessària l'actualització
Es necessària l'actualització
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Altres actius
Altres actius
changed by
Quim Gual .
Altres passius
Altres passius
changed by
Quim Gual .
Rendiment financer
Rendiment financer
changed by
Quim Gual .
Situació financera
Situació financera
changed by
Quim Gual .
Auditoria d'impostos
Auditoria d'impostos
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Comptes bancaris
Comptes bancaris
changed by
Quim Gual .
Comptes d'efectius
Comptes d'efectius
changed by
Quim Gual .
Comptes d'efectius
Comptes d'efectius
changed by
Quim Gual .
Comptes de caixa
Comptes de caixa
changed by
Quim Gual .
Declaracions de despeses
Declaracions de despeses
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Sobre Manager
Sobre Manager
changed by
Quim Gual .
Notes de crèdits
Notes de crèdits
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Uneix-te a l'equip de traductors
Uneix-te a l'equip de traductors
changed by
Quim Gual .
Adreça de correu electrònic
Adreça de correu electrònic
changed by
Quim Gual .
Crear nou negoci
Crear nou negoci
changed by
Quim Gual .
Crear nou negoci
Crear nou negoci
changed by
Quim Gual .
Afegir negoci
Afegir negoci
changed by
Quim Gual .
Nou compte bancari
Nou compte bancari
changed by
Quim Gual .
Nou compte de caixa
Nou compte de caixa
changed by
Quim Gual .
Nou asentament al diari
Nou asentament al diari
changed by
Quim Gual .
Banc, caixa…
Banc, caixa…
changed by
Quim Gual .
Número de compte
Número de compte
changed by
Quim Gual .
Darrera transacció
Darrera transacció
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
Compte bancari
Compte bancari
changed by
Quim Gual .
Compte de caixa
Compte de caixa
changed by
Quim Gual .
Exemples de noms de bancs, caixes…
Exemples de noms de bancs, caixes…
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
changed by
Quim Gual .
21 Feb from 8:00pm to 9:01pm