Finish up Slovenian translation :-)

Discussion started , with 18 comments.
  1. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Hi, everyone. I have taken some time to slightly improve (lol, mostly my own) users' experience with Manager by thoroughly revising our translation and changing quite a bit by directly observing the changes taking effect in Manager. Some expressions are less relevant in our accounting system, but I was (still am) trying to make the translated version sound as natural as possible and am even in contact with authorities and official translators to make up for translations' credibility. It's also a shame that none of our mothertongue translations have been proofread - I am willing to do that if you will allow me.
    One way or the other, I have a few questions: some expressions/phrases are not available for translation and some do not translate at all; what can be done about that? Some expressions also translate to improper conterparts - though clearly indicated in Englsih what they stand for. Well, I plan to make the final touches today or tomorrow, and would appreciate your help with the stated (little) :-) obstacles. Thanks! Looking forward to making something good. And to meeting you all. :-) Kind regards,
    Zala, Slovenia

  2. Pajtler Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Oj, vidim da si naredila par izvrstnih sprememb.

    Sem mislil da ga nihče ne uporablja in sem si že nekaj časa nazaj sam naredil par prevodov, da sem ga sploh spravil v osnovno uporabno obliko.

    Kar pa se tiče proofreadinga - žal ne vem če ima kdo pravice da to izvaja. Vsekakor jaz nisem mogel.

  3. Lubos Hasko Manager

    Currently, I'm not utilizing proof-reading function. So far there was no need for it as everyone is making changes and improvements in good faith.

  4. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Great! I thought so, too. Just didn't know if it had any other meaning, so I thought I could do it - didn't know it would mean noone else could make changes afterwards. Thanks and have a good day!

  5. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Hvala za pohvale. Sm se malo lotla dela, hehe, po dveh letih uporabe, ker itak med uporabo vidiš, česa vsega še ni. Je pa še v delu, tko da še malo spreminjam sproti, poleg tega mora Manager še popravit nekaj zadev, ki se ne prevedejo oz. nimajo opcije za prevod, tako da, ne zameri, se bo še malček spreminjalo. Poskušam tudi vsako prevedeno besedo najti v programu, tako da res preverim, kako se prevede v programu. Pomaga mi še prijateljica prevajalka, ki se po potrebi obrne še na državne institucije za uradne prevode. Nekateri izrazi so zarad različnih sistemov povsem spremenjeni, da imajo za naše okolje ustrezen pomen (=niso direktno prevedeni). Upam, da bo zaradi tega uporabniška izkušnja boljša.
    Lepo se imej,

  6. Silvo Jakob Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    @zala glede na ažurnost, za kakšne namene pa se trudite z prevodi? Zanimivo bi bilo videti kako močna bi lahko bila skupnost uporabnikov v SI.

  7. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Dober dan.
    Tudi jaz upam, da nas je več, ki imamo Managerja, da bo vsaj malo večji "impact". :-) Drugače pa delam za domače podjetje, ker tudi sama z možem vodim računovodstvo. Sem se priučila, tako je naneslo. In je lažje, če je vsaj program kolikor toliko dober - ko je že slovenska birokracija precej zahtevna. Pričakujem, da bom končala s preverjanjem v nekaj dneh. Sledijo popravki s strani Managerja - nekateri izrazi namreč niso na voljo za prevod, nekateri se ne prevedejo ali pa se ne prevedejo pravilno.
    Hvala za odziv. Lep pozdrav, Zala

  8. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Najprej opravičilo vsem slovenskim uporabnikom - prevajanje je v delu in se precej počasi ažurira; trenutno čakam že 3 dni, da se določeni izrazi prevedejo. Hvala za prevod Divisions - ki je nova zadeva, no, ampak se še ne vidi v samem programu. Nadaljujem v angleščini, da bodo ustvarjalci managerja tudi vedeli.
    ENGLISH: Apologies to all Slovenian users - translations are being done and evaluated and are not yet updated in the program. I'm also colecting the expressions that are problematic, so that we can fix them with the developers. Thanky you for your patience and understanding.

  9. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    In the attachment please find a list of expressions/phrases that are "problematic" in Slovenian version o Manager. I hope it helps Manager become even more user friendly for Slovenian users (and maybe others as well).
    Otherwise, some translations are still being revised, so apologies for the inconveniance. Also, any suggestions are more than welcome. I have done translations according to my best knowledge and in accordance with our regulations - but, of course, there might be a personal touch according to the needs of our company, so, please, do correct/improve anything you find as being so. I plan to share with you our company's chart of accounts which is in accordance with "Slovenski računovodski standardi", just waiting for the translations to be complete altogether. I'm actually quite proud of that! :-)
    I wish you all a pleasant weekend (and for Slovenian users a lovely national holiday) and all the best,

  10. Lubos Hasko Manager

    Hi Zala,

    Thanks for the list. Some items on the list are no longer relevant. For example, "Figures" concept has been removed from the program and "Report Transformations" have been completely reworked.

    I fixed issue with "Week", "Month" not being translated in various places.

    Anyway, I think about half of the issues from the list should be resolved now.


  11. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Thanks for taking into account my suggestions.
    Have a nice weekend.

  12. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    I have missed one translation: under Report Transformations, when New/Edit, there is Instructions, which is not available for translation.
    Kind regards,

  13. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Slovenski uporabniki, zdaj se je že precej prevedenih zadev preneslo v program. Kako se vam kaj zdi? Morda bomo skušali nekatere stvari še programsko izboljšati, tako da bi, npr., lahko uporabljali sklone (ki jih v angleščini ni), ipd. Skratka, delam na tem, da bi bil Manager kar se da prijazen uporabniku in čimbolj skladen z našimi standardi. Vesela bom vašega mnenja, pripomb, idej, komentarjev, ... :-)
    Lep preostanek vikenda vam želim,

  14. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Good evening.
    I found another expression that is not translated; so sorry, some of them keep popping out when using the program, eventhough I thought my list was thorough: under Reports, Suppliers Summary, when choosing view a certain report, ExpenseClaim is in english. It is not available for translation as ExpenseClaim.
    Thank you.
    I honestly appreciate your effort to incorporate my suggestions into the Slovenian version of Manager. It means a lot to us who use the program.
    Kind regards,

  15. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Honestly, I apologise for such scattered notifying, but I really dug deeply into the program - and I expect more of these should pop out eventually (sorry, didn't mean in an offensive way as if you didn't do a good job, but me being a very meticulous person :-)) - and I found under Purchase Invoices, when view and selecting History, then view specific History entity, under Due date "net" is in english - not translated; then HasPurchaseInvoiceCustomTheme and PurchaseInvoiceCustomTheme are not translated - and I beleive not available for translation.
    Thanks for responding to my suggestions. And sorry again for the inconveniance.
    Kind regards,

  16. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    And another one... Under Inventory and Non-inventory items, when choosing view, PurchaseTaxCode is still in english and I believe, as it is not available for translation.
    Sorry again... And thank you.

  17. Lubos Hasko Manager

    "View" screens are going to be reworked. Basically if "Edit" screen has everything translated then "View" screen will have it too.

  18. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Thank you. That's great.

  19. Zala Slovenian Translator with no proofreading rights

    Good evening.
    I didn't notice this before (because I normally don't use the funcions), but with Batch create and Batch update, column names that get copied to a spreadsheet are still in English.
    Thanks for already made corrections.
    Kind regards,