

  1. There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.
    There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.

    There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.

    changed via the API .
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  2. There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.
    There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.

    There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.

    changed via the API .
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  3. changed by Lubos Hasko via a Batch Operation.
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  4. changed by Lubos Hasko via a Batch Operation.
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  5. There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.
    There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.

    There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.

    changed via the API .
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  6. {1} sanasidan keyin bajarilgan {0} tranzaksiyalar mavjud, shuning uchun ular bu ko'rinishda hisobga olinmaydi.
    {1} sanasidan keyin bajarilgan {0} tranzaksiyalar mavjud, shuning uchun ular bu ko'rinishda hisobga olinmaydi.
    changed by Diyor .
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