

  1. The form cannot be deleted because it is referenced in the following transactions
    The form cannot be deleted because it is referenced in the following transactions

    The form cannot be deleted because it is referenced in the following transactions

    changed via the API .
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  2. Formani o'chirib bo'lmaydi chunki u quyidagi tranzaktsiyalarda ko'rsatilgan
    Formani o'chirib bo'lmaydi chunki u quyidagi tranzaktsiyalarda ko'rsatilgan
    changed via the API .
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  3. Forma quyidagi operatsiyalarda ko'rsatilganligi tufayli o'chirib tashlana olmaydi
    Forma quyidagi operatsiyalarda ko'rsatilganligi tufayli o'chirib tashlana olmaydi
    changed via the API .
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