This summary is set to show balance sheet as at {1} and profit and loss statement for the period from {0} to {1}.
This summary is set to show balance sheet as at {1} and profit and loss statement for the period from {0} to {1}.
Bu xulosa buxgalteriya balansini {1} holatiga va {0} dan {1} gacha bo'lgan davrdagi foyda va zarar to'g'risidagi hisobotni ko'rsatish uchun tuzildi. -
There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.
There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.
{1} sanasidan keyin bajarilgan {0} tranzaksiyalar mavjud, shuning uchun ular bu ko'rinishda hisobga olinmaydi. -
Recurring Payslip
Recurring Payslip
Takroriy to'lov varaqasi -
New Recurring Payslip
New Recurring Payslip
Yangi takroriy to'lov varaqasi -
Recurring Payslips
Recurring Payslips
Takroriy to'lov varaqalar -
Yo'l haqqi xaridor tomondan to'lanishi -
Send a copy of every email to this address
Send a copy of every email to this address
Hamma email nusxasini shu manzilga jo'nating -
Paper size
Paper size
Varoq o'lchami -
Test email settings
Test email settings
Email sozlamarini tekshiring -
Test Message
Test Message
Xabarni tekshiring -
Add non-inventory cost into production
Add non-inventory cost into production
Ombordan tashqari chiqimlarni ishlab chiqarishga qo'shing -
Qty on hand
Qty on hand
Mavjud miqdor -
Value on hand
Value on hand
Mavjud qiymat -
Column name
Column name
Ustun nomi -
Average cost
Average cost
O'rtacha narx -
Bank Reconciliation Statement
Bank Reconciliation Statement
Bank sverkasi uchun ariza -
Closing balance as per bank statement
Closing balance as per bank statement
Bank bayonnomasiga asosan yakuniy balans -
Closing balance as per balance sheet
Closing balance as per balance sheet
Buhgalteriya hisobotiga ko'ra yakuniy balans -
Cost of sales
Cost of sales
Sotish xarajatlari -
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{0}, {1} = Date (e.g. 30/06/2015)